EQuIS Geotech Installation and Configuration

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EQuIS Geotech Installation and Configuration

For EQuIS Online (EOL) clients, an EQuIS Geotech "seed" database is available. This database is completely configured and contains the EQuIS Geotech Demo Project (facility). Contact your EarthSoft Sales representative or Account Manager to use this option.


To install EQuIS Geotech on an existing EQuIS database or to setup a new database without using the "seed" database, follow the installation and configuration instructions provided in this chapter.


In addition to the installation and configuration steps, administrators will also need to define Roles, setup system Users, and assign Permissions to roles and users.



Installation Overview


Warning: As part of the EQuIS software suite, EQuIS Geotech uses EQuIS Enterprise, Professional, Collect, and EnviroInsite. These other EQuIS products must be installed prior to installing and configuring components related to EQuIS Geotech.


EQuIS Geotech includes a separate Schema, format files, numerous standard reports and templates, widgets, and configured dashboards. Each of these components need to properly installed and configured.


Since EQuIS Geotech is designed to use standard "out-of-the-box" reports and Enterprise dashboards, standard reference values must also be present in the EQuIS database for EQuIS Geotech to operate correctly.


EQuIS Geotech must be setup in a specific order for all the components to be available and operate properly. Follow the installation and configuration instructions provided in this chapter and linked help articles.


1.Download the EQuIS Geotech zip file from the Products\EQuIS Geotech folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC). Details of the files provided in the EQuIS Geotech package are provided in the next section. Also download the files for Enterprise, Collect, and EnviroInsite.

2.Install the same build of Enterprise, Collect, and EnviroInsite to the site. See the linked instructions for each of these EQuIS applications.

3.Follow the instructions in the EQuIS Geotech Database Configuration article, which includes uploading the EQuIS Geotech Demo Project.

4.Follow the instructions in the Collect Template Configuration for EQuIS Geotech article to upload and configure the standard Collect templates for EQuIS Geotech.

5.Follow the instructions in the EQuIS Geotech Enterprise Configuration article.



EQuIS Geotech Files on the ECC


The EQuIS Geotech zip file available in the Products\EQuIS Geotech folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the ECC contains the following files grouped in the listed folder structure.



AGS4_Geotechnical_v2.link – Link Mapping Project Template file that maps a selection of the Groups in the AGS Version 4.0.4 format to the EQuIS Geotechnical_v2 format.

Defined_Mappings_AGS4_Geotechnical_v2.xlsx – This file outlines the field mappings defined in the AGS4_Geotechnical_v2 Link project.



Configuration Files


EQuIS Link Files:










Lab_Test_Fee_Override.xlsx – This file is the Lab Test Fee override input file.


DMT_Standard_Input_File.xlsx – This is the EarthSoft standard DMT data input file. It is compatible with the DMT_EarthSoft Link file.


EQuIS Geotech Dashboards:  

Dashboard Navigation Images (13)  

Dashboard Files (8)

EQuIS Geotech Dashboard Configuration Reference.xlsx


EQuIS Geotech Demo EDDs:

EQuISGeotechDemo Project_EDDExample_Geotechnical_v2.xlsx

ReferenceValueEDD_EQuISGeotechDemo_Refvals.xlsx – To load the EQuISGEotechDemo Project EDD, users must load this Reference Value EDD using the refvals format.  


EQuIS Geotech DT_FILE_EDD_EQEDD_v2.zip – To assist with configuration, this EDD will load the following files using the EQEDD_v2 format. The EDD contains the appropriate DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE and DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE values for each file.

Water Level Images (5) – 1st/2nd/3rd Observation, CPT, DMT

Cave In Graphic

Sample Graphics (9)

EarthSoft Logo

UC/UU Failure Mode Images (3) – Bulge, Shear, Null

Dashboard Navigation Images (7)

Geotechnical Report Templates (14)  

EnviroInsite Boring Log Templates (5)  






Lab_Test_Fees_Override Template

DMT_Standard_Input_File Template

EQuIS to gINT GDX file


EQuIS Geotech EnviroInsite Graphics – Includes Material Type, Water Level, and Sample Type graphics that can be used in EnviroInsite for Boring Logs/Subsurface Profile outputs.  


EQuIS Geotech Report Graphics – Failure Mode Images for UC/UU Reports (3)  



EarthSoft Templates


EQuIS Geotech Collect Templates:

Geotechnical Field Data Entry.zip

Geotechnical Field and Lab Data Entry.zip

Geotechnical Mobile Data Entry.zip


EQuIS Geotech EnviroInsite Templates:

EarthSoft_StandardGeoBLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoBLTemplate_Metric.xml – This template supports metric units and is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoField_BLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoField_WithWellConstBLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema and is configured to display Well Construction information. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_SubsurfaceProfile_Template.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_SubsurfaceProfile_WithLegendTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to include a Material Legend in its footer and is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

GeoCPT_EIReport_Template.xml – This template is designed to display Tip Resistance, Sleeve Friction, Friction Ratio, and Pore Pressure. The data plotted on the log are sourced from the Geotechnical CPT Data function report. To use this template, the database must have a User Report called ‘EI_CPT_Data’.

GeoDMT_EIReport_Template.xml – This template is designed to display Contact Stress, Expansion Stress, Dilatometer Horizontal Stress, and Dilatometer Modulus. The data plotted on the log are sourced from the Geotechnical DMT Data function report. To use this template, the database must have a User Report called ‘EI_DMT_Data’.

EarthSoft_BoringLog_SimpleTemplate.xml – This template is designed to display material description, USCS, sample type, and other sample information columns. The footer of the log includes a legend for Graphics and acronyms.

EarthSoft_WellConstruction_wLegendTemplate.xml – This template is designed to display a well diagram, material description, blow count, USCS, and other column types. The footer of the log includes a legend for Sample Type, Graphics, and acronyms.


EQuIS Geotech Report Templates – Some of the EQuIS Geotech reports require use of Microsoft Excel template files.

































