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Enterprise Settings

Enterprise Workflow Service


Enterprise Controls

BLOB Storage

Other Settings




The ST_CONFIG System Table, accessible only to EQuIS administrators, stores configuration settings for the EQuIS application—similar to settings previously found in .config files—and contains the following columns (fields):

CONFIG_SECTION – Defines the section to which this item belongs; similar to a <configuration> section in an XML .config file.

CONFIG_KEY – Defines the key of the value within a section (i.e., what this item is, or a grouping of such).

OBJECT_TYPE – Defines the type of the object within the CONFIG_KEY field.

OBJECT_VALUE – Defines the object value for this item.

STRING_VALUE – Specifies the configuration value of this item (i.e., this is the value for the configuration setting).


The ST_CONFIG system table can be used to customize database-wide behavior such as in EDP, reports, and interactions with Excel.


After adding or changing configuration entries, restart EQuIS Professional.



The following pages contain information about additional ST_CONFIG options:

Login – Microsoft Entra ID

Login – OpenID Connect

SAML-based Single Sign On for Enterprise

SPM – Advanced Cost Settings

ArcEQuIS Requirements, Setup, and Upgrade

Configuration Option for Collect Mobile

Collect Enterprise Template Designer Page

Using Collect with EQuIS 6.x Databases

Live Historical Chart

EQuIS Facility Migration

Enterprise – Error Logging - Enable Logging to ST_LOG

Enterprise – Esri ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Licensing

EarthSoft Standard Reports – Analytical and Water Results

EarthSoft Interface Formats – GeotrackerEDF Format

EarthSoft Standard Forms – SampleTestResult

EarthSoft Standard Reports – Well Construction

Professional – Action Level Permission

Professional – Approve Strongly Named Custom Assemblies

Professional – Update Notifications

Professional – Using Custom Filters on Data Tables

To find applicable information on each page, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F to search for "ST_CONFIG".





Improve performance and reduce processing time across EQuIS products. CONFIG_KEYS in this section usually apply to all formats.

EarthSoft.Common.Data.Connection.BatchInsert – Optional setting to improve data loading via optimal, progressive batch sizing.

EarthSoft.Common.Data.Connection.SkipBulkCopy – Setting to decrease the time for inserting data into the database; can cause timeout errors when committing large datasets.

EarthSoft.Common.Utilities.File.zipTempFolder – Specify a default directory for temporary unzipped files.




Customize EDP (EQuIS Data Processor) settings for users and formats.

EarthSoft.EDP.RVF – When enabled, adds values to EDP’s Reference Value Tab, such as NonZeroSecondsAction (truncate non-zero seconds on a time or date/time field) or KeyValueCase (automatically capitalizing Key Fields).

EarthSoft.EDP.EddCustomHandler.ShowUpdateMode – Limits the commit type in EDP Professional for a given format, optionally by user.

EarthSoft.EDP.EddMapping.RowDifferenceError – Displays an error message when the target row already exists during the Create Package step, optionally by user.

EarthSoft.EDP.Pro.RegisterFile – Registers EDD files committed via Professional EDP to the ST_FILE_REGISTRATION table, optionally by format.

EarthSoft.EDP.CommentIndicator – Sets a single character as a comment indicator for rows in an EDD. The default is ‘#.’  

Coordinate Conversion in DB Format: The DB Format tool in Professional EDP can be used to convert coordinates from one type of coordinates to another.




Define default values for a new MailClient or FtpClient instance.

mailSettings – Defines the default values loaded when creating a new instance of EarthSoft.Common.Net.MailClient.

ftpSettings – Defines the default values loaded when creating a new instance of EarthSoft.Common.Net.FtpClient.




Customize report settings, including Excel file type and style type.

Common.Data.DataSetHelper.ExcelVersion – Sets the default file type for Excel exports by choosing the associated Microsoft Excel version, such as 2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013.

EarthSoft.Reports.ActiveReports.HideDataSource – Hides the data source icon in Active Reports. May be user specific. Does not hide the data source by default.

EarthSoft.Reports.ReportGrid.TurnOffDropDowns – Turns off all dropdowns in an EQuIS data grid.

EarthSoft.Reports.RDL.EmptyReportTemplate – Sets a default *.rdl file for viewing tabular data in Report Definition Language (RDL) reports.

XlsForceStyle – Sets the style applied (None, Normal, or Efficient) for performance when exporting to Microsoft Excel. The default setting is Normal.

ReportService.Caching – Within Enterprise, retains and returns the output of a report for the length of the cache limit.


Enterprise Settings


Enterprise Workflow Service


The EQuIS Enterprise workflow runs through a Microsoft Windows service or Microsoft Azure webjob to automatically process EDDs and reports. Each individual service thread within the workflow has configuration options in ST_CONFIG.

EFD Management – defines the management and consumption of EQuIS Format Definition (EFD) within the Enterprise workflow service, including the following settings:

Disable Upload Rename

EFD Configuration

EFD File Monitor

Inbound File Type

EmailDeliver – Sends notices from other workflow service agents.

EmailRetrieve – Retrieves messages from a defined email box and saves their attachments.

FtpRetrieve – Retrieves certain files from the specified folder of a remote File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.

FileMonitor – Loads Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs) into EQuIS by scanning folders for new EDDs.

FileProcess – Loads EDDs into EQuIS via the Enterprise EQuIS Data Processor (EDP).

FollowUpTask – Runs upon successfully loading an EDD to the database that will create an ST_FILE_REGISTRATION record.

ScheduledWorkflow (heartbeat agent) – Scans ST_SCHEDULE for scheduled entries to run.

Workfolder – A file exchange location for the Enterprise workflow service and web application.




Explorer – Names the root folder in the Explorer widget.

EZView – Sets a default report for new EZView widgets.

GIS – Default, Geometry Server, and optional settings for GIS:

oGIS.DefaultSpatialReference – Determines a spatial reference for coordinates if RT_COORD_TYPE.SRID is blank.

oGIS.DefaultExtent – Sets a default extent for mapping widgets where not previously set.

oGIS.DefaultBasemap – Sets a default basemap for mapping widgets where not previously set.

oGIS.GeometryServerURL – Specifies the Geometry Server.

oGIS.API_URL – Replaces the default ESRI JS API (optional).

Live Historical Chart – Configures color order.

Login – Sets password complexity, enables registration, and changes authentication.

Role Manager – Designates a "Data Manager" role, which allows assigned users to download error and commit logs without being an Administrator or the EDD Data Submitter.


Enterprise Controls


Chooser Configuration – Set a per-user default view (Favorites or Recent) and rendering (Tile, Details, or potentially Map) for the Dashboard, Facility, Report, and/or Widget Choosers.

New User Default Configuration – Define a default dashboard for new Enterprise users.


BLOB Storage


AzureBlobService – Specify Azure Blob Storage to store Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) outside of EQuIS.

NtfsService – Specify local NTFS folder to store BLOBs outside of EQuIS.


Other Settings


FormatsEarthSoft.EDP.UseNumberFormatting – Determines if the cell Number formatting is honored when importing data from a Microsoft Excel file.

FormatsEQEDD.EQEDDHandler.Suppress.sys_loc_code.check – Suppresses error warnings when committing EQEDD or EQEDD_v2 data to the database.

Formats – Coordinate Conversion in the DB Format – The DB Format tool in Professional EDP can be used to convert coordinates from one type of coordinates to another.

FormatsEarthSoft.EDP.Formats.UseDynamicFieldLength – Sets whether EDP will use dynamic field lengths for Standard (installer) Formats for the “result_value” field in formats if it can map to dt_result.result_numeric. Default value is False.

CascadeDelete – Controls access to the Cascade Delete button.