ActionLevels Format

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ActionLevels Format

Format Name: ActionLevels 

File Name: 

Source: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Export(s): Action Level


Note: Exports will not work as expected if the data were imported using a different format, as each format has different mappings, checks, etc.



Description: The ActionLevels format can be used to load new action levels, update existing action levels or export existing action levels from the database.



Installation Instructions: The ActionLevels format is included in the installation of EQuIS Professional in the \Formats\EarthSoft folder. This format is also provided with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise but requires configuration to be available in the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget. See the Add or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats article for details.



Overview: The ActionLevels format includes ActionLevel, ActionLevelParameter, ActionLevelLookup, and Files sections. The Files section can be used to load a file to an EQuIS database in EDP. See Uploading Files in EDP for additional information. If all new action level data needs to be loaded into the database, a blank EDD (Electronic Data Deliverable) can be generated. Click on the Home tab and select Blank EDD in the Tools group.


Columns in the ActionLevels format use different tables for their reference value lookups. The EQuIS EDD Description file includes which tables are used for the reference value source. Create the EQuIS EDD Description file in EDP or the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget.



Limitations/Assumptions: The checks and mappings in any EDD format involve assumptions. The following are limitations and assumptions for the ActionLevels format:

The action_level_code in the ActionLevel and ActionLevelParameter sections of the format includes a check for invalid characters that cause errors when generating related reports in the EQuIS database. Invalid characters include: pipe (|), single quote ('), carat (^), comma (,), and double quote (“). See Special Characters in the EQuIS Database for more information.

The ActionLevel.action_level_type is a lookup to RT_ACTION_LEVEL_TYPE.ACTION_LEVEL_TYPE.

The ActionLevelParameter.param_code is the parameter code (e.g., CAS_RN, SOIL_GAS_PARAM_CODE, etc.) to which the limit applies. It is recommended that the PARAM_CODE value already exists in the relevant reference table (e.g., RT_ANALYTE, RT_SOIL_GAS_PARAM_TYPE, etc.).

The ActionLevelLookup section may be populated with multiple action level values that can be looked up based on the value of another analyte or location (single SYS_LOC_CODE or location group), when setting up Advanced Action Level. See Set Up Advanced Action Levels and related documentation for more information.

ActionLevelLookup.comparison_goup: A numerically ordered COMPARISON_GROUP value is required if the lookup_method is populated with:







The Files.place_code must be an action_level_code in the ActionLevel section.


For custom checks and mappings, please refer to the ActionLevels format EDD Description File. To export existing action levels from the database, see Exporting Action Level Parameters using an EDD Export for more information.


Note: Values entered in primary key columns of the ActionLevels format (e.g., action_level_code, param_code, analytical_method, etc.) are auto capitalized by default in EDP. Users may configure a setting in the ST_CONFIG table to choose whether primary key columns are auto capitalized or not. See EarthSoft.EDP.RVF.KeyValueCase for more details.



EQuIS Table Mappings: