Analytical_Results_II Format

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Analytical_Results_II Format

Format Name: Analytical_Results_II 

File Name: 

Source: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise (only in format installation folder)

Export(s): Not applicable, as the format is designed to import the output of the Analytical Results II report

Enumeration File: Not applicable



Description: The Analytical Results II format was designed to work in compliment to the Analytical Results II report’s standard Excel export. With this format, a user can take an Analytical Results Report export, make adjustments, and import the updated data. Not all output columns are mapped to corresponding fields in EQuIS as detailed below.



Installation Instructions: The Analytical_Results_II format is included in the installation of EQuIS Professional in the \Formats\EarthSoft folder. This format is also provided with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise but requires configuration to be available in the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget. If the format should be configured for EQuIS Enterprise, an administrator will need to define the commit type and other EDP Enterprise elements as defined in the Workflow Widget and Add or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats articles.



Overview: The Analytical Results II format consists of a single section, Analytical_Results. The EDD tab name from the Analytical Results II report must be renamed to "Analytical_Results" to match the format section name prior to import. The Parameters tab is ignored during import as it does not have a corresponding format section.



Limitations/Assumptions: The checks and mappings in any EDD format involve assumptions. The following are limitations and assumptions for the ESBasic format:

Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) fields available in the format: SAMPLE_ID, ANALYTIC_METHOD, ANALYSIS_DATE, FRACTION, TEST_TYPE and IDENTIFIER.  

The result_text and result_numeric fields are not required even if the detect_flag = 'Y'.

Several default mappings have been defined for this format that may alter existing data without the opportunity for review, if choosing a more robust commit type (e.g., Update or Replace). Those default mappings are included below and as they are included in the format logic cannot be changed to suit the data.







The following fields in the format are not mapped to a corresponding field in the database and will not update existing EQuIS data if adjusted in the EDD:















Note: As this format is designed to change existing result data, take care that the appropriate commit type is selected.