EQuIS Geotech Miscellaneous Database Configuration

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EQuIS Geotech Miscellaneous Database Configuration

This article provides additional information to understand the EQuIS Geotech workflows and how data are connected in the database. Specific topics include:

Associating Projects and Tasks

AT_MATERIAL Configuration

Lab Assignment Test Set Configuration

Sieve Set Configuration

Drill Rig Equipment Data

Hydrometer Bulb Calibration Data

CPT Cone Calibration

DT_FILE EnviroInsite and Report Graphic Configuration



AT_MATERIAL Configuration


The AT_MATERIAL table is used to group RT_MATERIAL.MATERIAL_NAME values into groups. The AT_MATERIAL.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE equates to a group value.







The AT_MATERIAL.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE values are used in the Geotechnical Collect Report.



Lab Assignment Test Set Configuration


The purpose of a Test Set is to group a set of tests together that are commonly assigned to samples. Test sets are configured in the ST_GROUP_TYPE, RT_GROUP, and RT_GROUP_MEMBER tables. The RT_GROUP.GROUP_TYPE = ‘geo_test_set’.



ST_GROUP_TYPE.GROUP_TYPE = ‘geo_test_set’



RT_GROUP.GROUP_TYPE = ‘geo_test_set’.

A Test Set name should be assigned to RT_GROUP.GROUP_CODE.

If a Test Set is specific to an office, then the RT_GROUP.GROUP_OWNER should be populated with the RT_COMPANY.COMPANY_CODE associated with the office. If the RT_GROUP.GROUP_OWNER is empty, then the Test Set is assumed to apply to all offices.




The RT_GROUP_MEMBER.MEMBER_CODE should be populated with the RT_GEO_TEST_METHOD.TEST_METHOD_CODE that should be part of the Test Set.





Sieve Set Configuration


The purpose of Sieve Sets is to associate a set of sieve diameters to their corresponding sieve names. Sieve Sets are configured in the ST_GROUP_TYPE, RT_GROUP, and RT_GROUP_MEMBER tables. The RT_GROUP.GROUP_TYPE = ‘sieve_set’. The Geotechnical Collect Report references the Sieve Set values from the RT_GROUP and RT_GROUP_MEMBER tables.






RT_GROUP.GROUP_TYPE = ‘sieve_set’

A Sieve Set name should be assigned to RT_GROUP.GROUP_CODE.




The RT_GROUP_MEMBER.MEMBER_CODE should be populated with the sieve diameter value (ex. 0.075).

The RT_GROUP_MEMBER.REMARK should be populated with the sieve name value (ex. #200).

The RT_GROUP_MEMBER.REPORT_ORDER should be populated to define the order that displays.




Note: The Collect Geotechnical Field and Lab Data Entry Template uses the defined Sieve Set values to display the appropriate Sieve Name in the Sieve sections of the template.



Drill Rig Equipment Data


The Drill Rig information is added to the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables.


To ensure the Drill Rig data are applicable to all projects in a database, the FACILITY_ID and TASK_CODE values must be empty in the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables.


There must be a record in the RT_EQUIPMENT_TYPE table where EQUIPMENT_TYPE = ‘Drill Rig’.


Note: The Collect Geotechnical Field and Lab Data Entry Template uses the Drill Rig values as drop-down options. The values are pre-populated to the templates through the Geotechnical Collect Report.



Hydrometer Bulb Calibration Data (ASTM D422 and ASTM D7928)


The hydrometer calibration information is added to the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables. Each bulb requires a unique EQUIPMENT_CODE value. The calibration information can be submitted to the database using the Geotechnical_v2 Format or the EQEDD_V2 Format. The DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER.MEASUREMENT_DATE is a required value.


To ensure the calibration data are applicable to all projects in a database, the FACILITY_ID and TASK_CODE values must be empty in the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables.


The following values must be present in the RT_EQUIPMENT_TYPE and RT_EQUIPMENT_PARAM_TYPE tables. Note that there are different RT_EQUIPMENT_PARAM_TYPE.PARAM_CODE values based on if the calibration data are associated with ASTM D422 or ASTM D7928.

RT_EQUIPMENT_TYPE.EQUIPMENT_TYPE = ‘hydrometer_calibration’



Associated with ASTM D422

Description: The calibration intercept.


Associated with ASTM D422

Description: The calibration slope.


Associated with ASTM D422

Description: The calibration temperature units.


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Specific Gravity Shift. This is only applicable to 151H.


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Sedimentation Cylinder Cross Sectional Area (Ac). The expected unit is cm2.  


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Average Mass Reading Shift. This is only applicable to 152H


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Meniscus Correction (cm).


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Distance from the Max Reading to Center of Buoyancy (Hr1). The expected unit is cm.


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Distance from the Min Reading to Center of Buoyancy (Hr2). The expected unit is cm.


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Max Reading (r1).


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Min Reading (r1).


Associated with ASTM D7928

Description: The Volume of the Bulb (Vhb). The expected unit is cm3.



Note: The Collect Geotechnical Field and Lab Data Entry Template uses calibration values to calculate the results associated with a hydrometer test. The values are pre-populated to the templates through the Geotechnical Collect Report.



CPT Cone Calibration


The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) cone calibration information is added to the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables. Each CPT cone requires a unique EQUIPMENT_CODE value. The calibration information for a specific CPT Probe can be submitted to the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables by using the Geotechnical_v2 Format or the EQEDD_V2 Format. The DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER.MEASUREMENT_DATE is a required value.


To ensure the calibration data are applicable to all projects in a database, the FACILITY_ID and TASK_CODE values must be empty in the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables.


The following values must be present in the RT_EQUIPMENT_TYPE and RT_EQUIPMENT_PARAM_TYPE tables.



'cpt_calibrated_by' – Description: Information on who calibrated the cone.

‘cpt_fr_OD’ – Description: The friction reduced OD. The expected unit is inches.

‘cpt_friction_reducer’ – Description: The friction reducer type.

‘cpt_net_area_ratio’ – Description: The probe net area ratio.

‘cpt_pp_transducer’ – Description: The pore pressure transducer.

‘cpt_tip_area’ – Description: The tip area.


An example of the DT_EQUIPMENT and DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER tables is provided below.





Note: The EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_DATA function references the Probe ID’s cpt_net_area_ratio value from the DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER table.



DT_FILE EnviroInsite and Report Graphic Configuration


Files to support graphics in EnviroInsite and reports must be uploaded the DT_FILE table and appropriate values assigned to DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE and DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE.


There are two methods to load files to the DT_FILE table:

1.In EQuIS Professional, navigate to the Docs & Photos Form. In the Docs & Photos window, drag your DXF file(s) to the database folder. Open DT_FILE and populate the DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE and DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE with the information outlined below.

2.In Enterprise, use the Explorer Widget to upload the graphic files. Within the Explorer Widget, the DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE and DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE values can be defined for each file uploaded. Please follow the DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE and DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE specificatons outlined below.



Sample Type Graphic:

DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE = “sample_method_graphic”

DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE = Name of sampling method (from the RT_SAMPLE_METHOD table)


Water Observations Graphic:

DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE = “water_level_graphic”



Cave In Graphic:

DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE = “water_level_graphic”



Office Logo and Alternative Office Logo:

DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE = “Office Logo”


It is assumed that the company logo will be set to “Default”.



Note: It is suggested that Logo images uploaded to the DT_FILE table have the following dimensions:
Horizontal: 240 pixels  
Vertical: 71 pixels.