SPM Tasks

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SPM Tasks

An SPM task describes details of field and sampling activities. Typically these tasks are recurring and are planned at regular or irregular intervals. The DT_TASK table contains specific sampling events that were either planned and scheduled using SPM, or collected as ad hoc tasks. Field data and laboratory data are linked to the task for which they were collected.


Planned tasks are recurring events that contain details of sampling and activities to be carried out at regular or irregular intervals. Planned tasks and associated elements must be created, configured, approved, and scheduled prior to the generation of field sampling materials, such as EDGE or Collect Field EDDs and Task Details Reports.


Scheduled tasks are specific events stemming from planned tasks that contain details of sampling and activities to be carried out at pre-determined dates. Field sampling materials, such as EDGE Field EDDs and Task Details Reports, are generated based on the selection of specific scheduled tasks.


SPM tasks can be created, copied, edited, deleted, archived, scheduled or unscheduled from the Planned Tasks group on the Plan ribbon in the SPM desktop user interface.



Various field activities can be defined and setup in RT_SPM_ACTIVITY table to be available for selection when creating SPM tasks. See the Setup SPM Activity Tables and Add Activities to Planned SPM Task articles for details.


Once tasks are planned and scheduled, they can be viewed on the calendar. See the Preview SPM Calendar / Change Scheduled Date(s) article for more information.