Using EQuIS EnviroInsite with EQuIS Geotech

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Using EQuIS EnviroInsite with EQuIS Geotech

EQuIS EnvironInsite is an advanced data visualization and analysis program that supports EQuIS Geotech. With EnvironInsite, users can:

1.Create soil boring logs, CPT logs, DMT logs, well construction diagrams, strip logs, subsurface profiles, cross-sections, three-dimensional geological models, and fence diagrams

2.Readily combine analysis of geotechnical and environmental data

3.Easily prepare report graphics


See the Tables and Fields used to Generate Full Page Boring Logs article in the EnviroInsite documentation for details on how the Geotech Schema is incorporated in EnviroInsite to create boring logs.


EnviroInsite supports the use of template files to customize the creation of Boring Logs or Subsurface Profiles. The Boring Log Template Design window enables the user to create new boring log templates or modify existing templates. The Database Functions Used in EnviroInsite article details how the database functions in the Geotech Schema and custom functions support the design of boring log templates. Functions with names starting with “ei_” will be available in the Functions tab in the right pane of the Boring Log Template Design window.


The EnviroInsite database functions provided with EQuIS Geotech are installed when the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xme) is applied to the database and are intended only for geotechnical data and related reports. These database functions are grouped as:

Downhole data functions

Downhole graphic functions

Header/footer data functions (scalar functions)

Header/footer graphic functions



EQuIS Geotech EnviroInsite Templates


EQuIS Geotech provides EnviroInsite template files that can be used with the EnviroInsite Boring Logs II Report and EnviroInsite Subsurface Profile Report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll) to generate boring logs (soil, CPT, DMT, and well construction) and subsurface profiles of the logs in a PDF format. The EnviroInsite template files can be modified to meet user needs. 


The EnviroInsite template files are available for download in the Products\EQuIS Geotech folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center. The template files can be found in the EQuIS Geotech EnviroInsite Templates folder.

EarthSoft_StandardGeoBLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoField_BLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoField_WithWellConstBLTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema and is configured to display Well Construction information. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

GeoCPT_EIReport_Template.xml – This template is designed to display Tip Resistance, Sleeve Friction, Friction Ratio, and Pore Pressure. The data plotted on the log are sourced from the Geotechnical CPT Data function report. To use this template, the database must have a User Report called ‘EI_CPT_Data’.

GeoDMT_EIReport_Template.xml – This template is designed to display Contact Stress, Expansion Stress, Dilatometer Horizontal Stress, and Dilatometer Modulus. The data plotted on the log are sourced from the Geotechnical DMT Data function report. To use this template, the database must have a User Report called ‘EI_DMT_Data’.

EarthSoft_SubsurfaceProfile_Template.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_StandardGeoBLTemplate_Metric.xml – This template supports metric units and is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_SubsurfaceProfile_WithLegendTemplate.xml – This template is designed to use several database functions included in the Geotech Schema. It is a dynamic template that is compatible with the visibility parameters entered in the DT_TASK_PARAMETER table. The template is configured to include a Material Legend in its footer and is configured to use DXF hatch patterns in RT_MATERIAL.PATTERN (based on the DT_FILE table).

EarthSoft_BoringLog_SimpleTemplate.xml – This template is designed to display material description, USCS, sample type, and other sample information columns. The footer of the log includes a legend for Graphics and acronyms.

EarthSoft_WellConstruction_wLegendTemplate.xml – This template is designed to display a well diagram, material description, blow count, USCS, and other column types. The footer of the log includes a legend for Sample Type, Graphics, and acronyms.



Standard Material Graphics


Standard material graphics are provided with EQuIS Geotech to use with the templates to create EnviroInsite boring logs and subsurface profiles. The material graphics files are available for download in the Products\EQuIS Geotech folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the ECC and can be found in the EQuIS Geotech EnviroInsite Graphics folder.


The files include Material Type, Water Level, and Sample Type graphics. The material graphic files need to be uploaded to the DT_FILE table and appropriately configured before they can be used with EnviroInsite. See the Geotech Database Configuration article for details.