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Report Name: EnviroInsite Boring Logs II
File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll
Dependencies: Licensed EnviroInsite Module and template in DT_FILE (see below)
Software: EnviroInsite
Source: EnviroInsite install
Language: English
Output Type: PDF
Description: The EnviroInsite Boring Logs Report II relies on a log design template file to generate boring log files in PDF format. The report will run for all locations (for the selected TASK_CODE) if no locations (SYS_LOC_CODEs) are selected. If a TASK_CODE is not selected, the report will automatically attempt to select a TASK_CODE based on the locations in the report output.
Installation: See the EnviroInsite Report Installation article for more detailed information.
For EQuIS Professional, a local installation of EQuIS EnviroInsite 7 is required to run the report.
Note: Using versions of EnviroInsite and Professional on the same machine that are not aligned can produce an 'evaluation' version of the report output. This occurs when using: •A version of EnviroInsite >7.23.2 and a version of Professional <7.23.2 •A version of EnviroInsite <7.23.3 and a version of Professional > 7.23.2 |
For EQuIS Enterprise and ArcEQuIS, additional files must be added to the Enterprise bin folder. The required files are packaged (EnviroInsite_Enterprise_package_x64_{#}.zip) and available on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads page (All Items\Products\EnviroInsite\v7). An EnviroInsite Decision Support license must be present as a valid entry in the ST_LICENSE table.
ArcEQuIS also requires that the report be published to the database in EQuIS Professional.
A template file, uploaded to the DT_FILE table, is required to run this export report. The data requirements depend on the content of the boring log template in use. See the Tables and Fields used to Generate Full-Page Boring Logs and Boring Logs help content for more information.
The template, created in EnviroInsite (see Log Design Window), defines the log content and format and must be imported into the EQuIS database using the Docs and Photos Form prior to running the report. The DT_FILE.FILE_TYPE field should be set to ".xml", and the file content is stored in the CONTENT field.
Notes: •To share a template between multiple facilities of a database, clear the content of DT_FILE.FACILITY_ID. •The anticipated time to generate the report export contents is on the order of 15 seconds per selected location. |
Tables: DT_LOCATION and DT_WELL are accessed in all report executions. Other tables may also be accessed depending on the contents of the boring log template being used. These include: DT_WATER_TABLE, DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY, DT_LITHOLOGY, DT_SAMPLE, DT_SAMPLE_PARAMETER, DT_DRILL_PARAMETER, DT_DOWNHOLE_POINT_DATA, and DT_WELL_SEGMENT.
Report Parameters |
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 13 Oct 2024