Standard Enterprise Dashboards

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Standard Enterprise Dashboards

A variety of example dashboards are included with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise and are described below.


Warning: Do not make modifications to the standard dashboards. These will be overwritten during upgrades. The standard dashboards can be copied first, then the copies can be modified.


Administration Dashboard


The Administration Dashboard is accessible to the user(s) assigned the Enterprise administrator role to manage Enterprise roles, user profiles, and workflow service configuration. The default widgets on this dashboard include the User Manager widget, Role Manager widget, and Workflow widget.


A fresh installation of EQuIS Enterprise includes a single user (administrator) and a single role (admin). The Workflow widget will also need to be configured to utilize the email, EDP, or FTP components.


EarthSoft does not recommend adding data widgets (e.g., EZView) to the Administration Dashboard.


EDP Dashboard


The EDP Dashboard allows users to upload EDDs as well as review the status of submitted EDDs through EQuIS Enterprise. The standard layout of this dashboard includes two widgets: EDP EDD Upload and EDP EDD Status. The formats for the EDP EDD Upload widget can be configured by the Administrator as described in the article on Adding or Modifying Enterprise EDP Formats.


Explorer Dashboard


The Explorer Dashboard includes the Explorer widget as the only widget out-of-box. The Explorer widget allows users to navigate through files, reports, dashboards, and additional items in EQuIS Enterprise. A user with proper permissions may also create a new facility or upload a new file using this dashboard and widget.


EZView Dashboard


The EZView Dashboard provides an example dashboard for reporting and mapping. The default widgets included in this dashboard are the Map widget, EZView widget, and Traffic Light widget. Each of these widgets will need to be configured for further use.


New Dashboard


The New Dashboard is used by EQuIS Enterprise as a template when creating new dashboards.  As such, any edits made to this dashboard will be seen when a user creates a new dashboard. Note: a session facility should NOT be set for the New Dashboard template.


Notices Dashboard


The Notices Dashboard includes one widget, the Notices widget, which allows users to view notices generated by EQuIS Enterprise.


Welcome to EQuIS Dashboard


The Welcome to EQuIS Dashboard is the first dashboard a user will see after logging into EQuIS Enterprise if the user does not have a set default dashboard. The Welcome dashboard provides basic instructions on dashboard navigation and lists some available EarthSoft resources to learn more about EQuIS.