Historical Format

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Historical Format

Format Name: Historical 

File Name: Historical.zip 

Source: EDP Standalone, EQuIS Professional, and EQuIS Enterprise (only in format installation folder)

Export(s): Not applicable

Enumeration File: Historical-enum.xml



Description: The Historical format contains four sections for importing historical data. The four sections are:



HistoricalChemistry_v1, and




Installation Instructions: The Historical format is included in the installation of EDP Standalone and EQuIS Professional in the \Formats\EarthSoft folder. This format is also provided with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise but requires configuration to be available in the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget. If the format should be configured for EQuIS Enterprise, an administrator will need to define the commit type and other EDP Enterprise elements as defined in the Workflow Widget and Add or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats articles.



Overview: The Historical format is intended for uploading historical data. Because historical data are typically less comprehensive than data recorded in the present, there are fewer checks and restrictions within this format. As such, it is strongly recommended that only historical data be uploaded using this format and all currently collected data be uploaded using a more comprehensive format.



Limitations/Assumptions: The checks and mappings in any EDD format involve assumptions. The following are limitations and assumptions for the Historical format:

Test Alternate Key (TAK) fields available in the format: SAMPLE_ID, ANALYTIC_METHOD, ANALYSIS_DATE, FRACTION, TEST_TYPE and IDENTIFIER.  

The only section that maps to DT_LOCATION.SYS_LOC_CODE is HistoricalLocation_v1. If populating the sys_loc_code field in any other section, the location must already exist in the database or be present in the HistoricalLocation_v1 section of the EDD.

HistoricalLocation_v1 Section

If populating either of the two fields that map to DT_WELL_SEGMENT (depth_to_top_of_screen, depth_to_bottom_of_screen), the default mappings will populate DT_WELL_SEGMENT.SEGMENT_TYPE and DT_WELL_SEGMENT.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE with ‘SCREEN’ and ‘UNKNOWN’, respectively, on the Create step. Therefore, a record must already exist in the RT_WELL_SEGMENT_TYPE table where SEGMENT_TYPE = ‘SCREEN’ and MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE = ‘UNKNOWN’ or an error will occur on the Commit step.

HistoricalWaterLevel_v1 Section

The lnapl_cas_rn field is a lookup to RT_ANALYTE.CAS_RN, but the selected cas_rn must also be present in the RT_ANALYTE_DETAIL table. This does not apply to the dnapl_cas_rn field.

The water_level_elev field must be manually populated. This format does not perform any calculations using the historical_reference_elev or water_level_depth to populate the water_level_elev.

HistoricalChemistry_v1 Section

The result_value field is required when the detect_flag = 'Y'. The error appears the on detect_flag field.

The default mapping for the column_number field is ‘NA’.



EQuIS Table Mappings: