Person_and_Company Format

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Person_and_Company Format

Format Name: Person_and_Company 

File Name: 

Source: EDP Standalone and EQuIS Professional

Export(s): Not applicable

Enumeration File: Person_and_Company-enum.xml



Description: The Person_and_Company format is intended for the creation and update of person and company data. The format also allows users to associate person and company records by way of the association tables (AT).



Installation Instructions: The Person_and_Company format is included in the installation of EDP Standalone and EQuIS Professional in the \Formats\EarthSoft folder. This format is not included with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise but can be added and configured to be available in the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget. If the format will be configured for EQuIS Enterprise, an administrator will need to define the commit type and other EDP Enterprise elements as defined in the Workflow Widget and Add or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats articles.



Overview: The Person_and_Company format contains 5 sections, each of which maps directly to a database table of the same name. 







Likewise, the fields available in each section of the format are mapped to fields of the same name in the database.




As this format does not map to the DT_TEST table, there are no relevant Test Alternate Keys (TAKs).

For lookup fields, such as company_code and company_type, records must pre-exist in the database or else be defined elsewhere in the EDD.

Blank EDDs generated from this format should be created using Parent Values only. Including Valid Values will add unnecessary data validation requirements to the EDD.



EQuIS Table Mappings: