Using EQuIS Data in ArcGIS Pro

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Using EQuIS Data in ArcGIS Pro

The Add EQuIS Data form enables plotting locational data from EQuIS on ArcGIS Pro maps, then accessing related analytic data from locations’ data grids.  


Data Requirements


ArcEQuIS requires that facilities are properly configured for locational data, particularly DT_FACILITY.COORD_TYPE_CODE and DT_FACILITY.IDENTIFIER. See also GIS.DefaultSpatialReference and VW_LOCATION Toolbar GUI.


Point Layers – Point coordinates pull from DT_GEOGRAPHY when populated, else from DT_COORDINATE.


Polygon Layers – Polygon coordinates pull from DT_GEOGRAPHY only. To create EQuIS polygons from ArcGIS Pro, see Add Features to Layer. To migrate polygon data from other data sources please contact EarthSoft Support.


Add Data


Click the Add Data button on the ArcEQuIS ribbon. This will open the Add EQuIS Data Form.


Note: The Add Data button will be disabled until a site has been added using the Add Site button.


If a site connection is not already present, the Add EQuIS Enterprise Site Form will also open for the required data entry (see How to Connect).  


If a site is present, verify that the site URL in the Site Chooser is correct.


Select the desired EQuIS layers. See below for details on adding data from facilities, locations, and reports.


Adding a layer using the As Link option will create a Live Connection to the Enterprise site. The layer will be created within the Site’s Group Layer. A live connection can be refreshed if the connection becomes stale or if the project has been closed and reopened (Refresh Connection to a Layer).


Selecting As Snapshot to add a layer will download a copy of the data at that given point in time. The copy is stored in the specific project's database. The layer name will have the Date the layer was created appended to the end (yyyyMMddmmHHss). The layer will not be created within the Site’s Group Layer.


Note: The names of layers added using the As Snapshot option are displayed in the ArcGIS Pro Contents panel without special characters that may be present in the EQuIS database because the Esri database used by the display does not support special characters.


Share Data


Snapshot layers can be shared to ArcGIS Online as a Web Layer by either right clicking on the layer and selecting the Share As Web Layer option or by using the Share As Web Layer tool in the ArcGIS Share menu. When sharing a layer, the following error message is displayed:

00374: Unique numeric IDs are not assigned

This error can be resolved by right clicking the error message and selecting Auto-Assign IDs Sequentially. The error can also be resolved for the entire project by right clicking on the Map layer in the Contents pane, opening the Properties, and checking "Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers".


Snapshot layers can also be exported as a table or feature, which can be done by right clicking on the layer and navigating to the Data menu.


Note: ArcGIS Pro does not allow layers added using the As Link option to be shared or exported.


Facilities and Locations


The Add EQuIS Data Form lists all facilities to which a user has access. Facilities can be searched using Facility Name, Facility Code or Facility ID.


Click Facilities in the selection pane on the left to display “My EQuIS Facilities” in the layers pane.


The My EQuIS Facilities polygon is defined by coordinates from DT_GEOGRAPHY, if populated. If facility boundaries are not populated in DT_GEOGRAPHY, EQuIS auto-generates a bounding polygon based on facility extents as defined in DT_FACILITY.X_MIN, .X_MAX, .Y_MIN, .Y_MAX). If neither table is populated with the required data, the My EQuIS Facilities layer will not plot.


Expand Facilities in the selection pane to view the available facility groups and facilities. Select a Facility to display the available data layers:

Facility Boundaries (polygon). Polygon boundaries for a single facility from DT_GEOGRAPHY if applicable or a DT_FACILITY bounding box

All Facility Locations (point)

All Facility Locations (polygon)

Location Groups. All location groups associated with the chosen facility are shown (RT_GROUP.FACILITY_ID). Layer names pull from RT_GROUP.group_desc when populated, else from RT_GROUP.group_code.


Select one or more of the layers and click Add Layer. Choose to add the layer As Link or As Snapshot.




ArcEQuIS Reports


EQuIS User Reports that are created from the Action Level Exceedance II, Analytical Results II, and Location Information Base Reports can be added to the map display. Only user reports that can be plotted (i.e., contain X and Y coordinates) and are available to the connected user will display within the Add Data Form. A plottable report meets the following output criteria:

Grid format

Includes FACILITY_ID column

Includes coordinate columns: X_COORD, Y_COORD


Other reports can run successfully and full support will be added in future builds. Contact EarthSoft Support to request inclusion of a specific report.




Click ArcEQuIS Reports directly from the selection pane to display reports that are not associated with a specific facility. (User Reports are typically associated with a facility by default via ST_USER_REPORT.FACILITY_ID or ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER (where PARAM_NAME=@facility_id)).


Facility-specific reports display within the facility folders.


Navigate to a specific facility node in the selection pane and expand it.


Select ArcEQuIS Reports to display the available (i.e., plottable) reports for the selected facility.


Select one or more of the layers and click Add Layer. Choose to add the layer As Link or As Snapshot (details above).


To create a new report with customized report parameters, see the EQuIS Reports article.