EQuIS Reports

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EQuIS Reports


With the Reports button from the ArcEQuIS toolbar users run EQuIS Reports directly in ArcGIS Pro and automatically add them to the map. Certain saved user reports are also available using the Add Data button. See ArcEQuIS Reports for more information about adding existing reports to the map.



Currently Supported Base Reports


Non-crosstab grid reports that include X and Y coordinate columns in the output, such as:

Analytical Results II

Action Level Exceedance II

Location Information (Class)

Location Parameters

Sample Parameters


Run EQuIS User Reports in ArcEQuIS

1.In the ArcEQuIS toolbar, click the Add Site button and enter your login credentials to connect to an EQuIS database.


2.Click the Reports button from the EQuIS toolbar in the top ribbon.


3.Select the desired facility and base report, then click Next.



Users must be assigned to the REST API role.

Users must have the following permissions, at minimum, to add a report to ArcEQuIS:

Viewer permission on the Facility object type for the facility being associated with the report being created.

Creator permission on the Reports object type.

Only individual facilities can be selected, not facility groups.

The Next button will be disabled unless both a facility and report are selected.

4.A modal opens to allow users the option to select specific report parameters. The left pane displays a expandable tree list of the available report parameters (e.g., Location < Individual(s)) that, when selected, display the individual values for the selected parameter in the right pane. Different display types are used depending on the selected report parameter, listed below:

Multi-Select List - Multiple values can be selected from a list of values at one time. A filter icon in each column header allows users to narrow down the list of parameters and a Clear All button allows users to easily clear selections.

Single-Select List - One value can be selected from a list of values.  A filter icon in each column header allows users to narrow down the list of parameters and a Clear All button allows users to easily clear selections.

Date Selector - A date value is selected from a date picker.

Text Box - Text is entered into a text box as the value for the selected report parameter.

Boolean - A Yes or No value is set for the selected report parameter.

Required - Any field type can be required, denoted by a red asterisk (*), and a report parameter value must be selected before being able to advance this process.

Selected report parameter values are listed next to the selected report parameter, separated by the pipe (|) character. Click Back to return to the facility and report selection screen or click Next to preview the ad-hoc report output.


5.The ad-hoc report output preview, based on the selected report parameters, can be reviewed to ensure the expected information is included in the report prior to adding the report layer to the map. If changes to the report parameters need to be made, click the Back button. Before adding the report to the map, users are able to add a custom name for the user report that will be saved when adding a layer is completed.


Saved user reports cannot have the same name as reports that already exist within the connected site's database.

Saved user report names cannot contain the following SQL reserved words:











Saved user report names cannot contain more than 64 characters, including white space (i.e., blanks).


6.Once the ad-hoc report preview contains all of the desired information, click the Add Layer button to save the report in the site's database as a user report and display the user report as a map layer.

a.Two options are available, As Link and As Snapshot. The As Link option loads the report with a connection to the Enterprise site, allowing the report to be refreshed to display the most recent data. The As Snapshot option loads a static, point-in-time snapshot of the report whose values are saved in an ArcGIS file on the user's computer.


7.The user report layer is displayed on the ArcEQuIS map.
