Flow Format

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Flow Format

Format Name: Flow 

File Name: Flow.zip 

Source: EDP Standalone and EQuIS Professional

Export(s): Not applicable

Enumeration File: Not applicable



Description: The Flow format is used to load open channel flow data into EQuIS.



Installation Instructions: The Flow format is included in the installation of EDP Standalone and EQuIS Professional in the \Formats\EarthSoft folder. This format is not included with the installation of EQuIS Enterprise but can be added and configured to be available in the Enterprise EDP EDD Upload widget. If the format will be configured for EQuIS Enterprise, an administrator will need to define the commit type and other EDP Enterprise elements as defined in the Workflow Widget and Add or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats articles.



Overview: The Flow format contains two sections: Flow and Flow Measurement. The Flow section can be used to load data to the DT_FLOW table, as well as the DT_SAMPLE table. The Flow Measurement section maps data to the DT_FLOW_MEASUREMENT table. 




As this format does not map to the DT_TEST table, there are no relevant Test Alternate Keys (TAKs).

Flow Measurement Section

If left unpopulated, the sys_sample_code value will be populated with a concatenation of the location_code, an underscore, and the measurement_date_time in YYYYMMDD format (e.g., Station1_20240322).

The interval_flow value is calculated by multiplying the interval by the velocity by the depth. Any value manually populated in interval_flow will be overwritten by the product of the calculation when a Flow EDD is loaded into EDP.

The value in the interval_unit field must equal the value in the depth_unit field, and the value in the velocity_unit field must equal the value in the interval_unit field + “/s”. If any of these three fields is left blank or does not adhere to this nomenclature, a “Units do not match” error will occur in the interval_flow_unit field.

The interval_flow_unit field will be populated with a concatenation of the interval_unit field value and the string “3/s”.



EQuIS Table Mappings: