Object Management in the Explorer Widget

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Object Management in the Explorer Widget

Object Types


Within the Explorer widget, users with sufficient permissions can do the following:

Download certain objects (files, reports, user reports, or dashboards).

Delete certain objects (files, user reports, or dashboards).

Perform other file operations:

Search files.

Upload files.

Edit files and file metadata (including custom file metadata parameters) via the File Editor popup.


Each file and its associated metadata are stored in the DT_FILE table.


Object Types


The Explorer widget information grid lists all objects in the selected folder and their properties (object name, attributes, remark, type, and owner). The icons indicate the object type. The following table details the attributes displayed in the grid by object type, except for the Remark field, which is optional.



Object Name




Ent-Dashboard_Chooser Dashboard

Dashboard Title
Links to that dashboard.

System dashboard behind that dashboard or facility ID for facility-specific dashboards, if applicable.


Creator of Dashboard

Ent-Facility_Chooser_Icon Facility

Facility Name
(if not set, Facility Code)

Facility Code
Click to open the Facility Editor form


Facility Project Manager

Ent-File-Icon File

File Title
Links to download the file.

Hover over this field to see the FILE_ID at the end of the URL.

File Name
Click to open the File Editor form


File Author

Ent-User_Report-Icon User


Ent-System_Report System Report

For user reports, this is the Report Name.


For base (system) reports, this is the Report Display Name.


Click to open the Report Parameter Editor for that report or user report.

For user reports, this is the base report specific name of the report.


For base (build) reports, this is the specific name of the report.





If created in Enterprise, the creator of the user report. Otherwise left blank.

Ent-Widget-Icon Widget

Widget Type Name

Blank (description in Remark field)