VI Collect – Field EDD Report

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VI Collect – Field EDD Report

Report Name: VI Collect – Field EDD (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.183376.dll

Dependencies: Licensed Collect Module and Vaport Intrusion Schema

Software: EQuIS Collect, EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Collect install + Vapor Intrusion Module (EarthSoft Community Center > Products > Vapor Intrusion)

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: This report creates an EDD to be used in Collect to assist field crews in recording vapor intrusion field data. The report creates an EDD with a list of buildings, labs, users, and method analyte groups to be used as a starting point.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed EQuIS Collect module and both the Collect Schema and Vapor Intrusion Schema applied to the database. The VI Collect – Field EDD report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.183376.dll) is available for download in the Products\Vapor Intrusion folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center. For Enterprise use, this report should be published to the database. When publishing the report, the assembly should be stored in the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.



When used in conjunction with the EQuIS Vapor Intrusion Format, data fields relating to buildings, locations, users, and chain of custody (COC) handling can also be pre-populated, reducing the amount of time spent in the field entering these data. Pass information from the VI: Collect Field EDD report to Collect Forms by using the Pre-Population feature.


Source Tables


Report Parameters

Building Code(s)

Select one or more building(s). Selected building(s) can be available as list in Collect forms.



Parameter for selecting location type(s).


Parameter for selecting individual location(s).


Parameter for selecting location group(s).

Reference Values


Select one or more lab(s). Selected lab(s) can be available as list in Collect forms.


Select one or more user(s). Selected user(s) can be available as list in Collect forms.

Method Analyte Group(s)

Select one or more MAG(s). Selected MAG(s) can be available as list in Collect forms.

Output File Type

Parameter for report output type: XLS or XLSX.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.