Geotechnical Analytical Results Report

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Geotechnical Analytical Results Report

Report Name: Geotechnical Analytical Results (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.176839.dll

Dependencies: Licensed EQuIS Geotech and Geotech Schema

Software: EQuIS Professional and Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Geotech (EarthSoft Community Center > Products > EQuIS Geotech)

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: The Geotechnical Analytical Results report returns a combination of geotechnical sample parameters and/or geotechnical analytical results along with locations and their coordinates. If one or more geotechnical test types (e.g., Atterberg limits, compaction, sieve analysis) are selected, then the report will add analytical results columns. Otherwise, only sample parameter report data will be displayed in the output grid. The elevation column will be only populated if the location has matching row for selected “Identifier” and “Coord_Type_Code” in the DT_COORDINATE table. This report can be run in EQuIS Professional or published to EQuIS Enterprise.


Installation Instructions: This report requires an EQuIS Geotech license and the Geotech Schema applied to the database. The Geotechnical Analytical Results report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.176839.dll) is available for download in the Products\EQuIS Geotech folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center. For Enterprise use, this report should be published to the database. When publishing the report, the assembly should be stored in the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.





Report Parameters



Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.


Parameter for selecting the coord_type_code.


Parameter for selecting the coordinate identifier.

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting task code(s).

Test Type(s)

Parameter for selecting test type(s).


1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.