SPM_REF Format

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SPM_REF Format

Format Name: SPM_REF

File Name: SPM_REF.zip

Software: EQuIS SPM

Source: SPM install (and xcopies)

Export(s): Not Applicable


Description: The SPM_REF format can be used to conveniently upload SPM-related reference values associated with cost calculations and containers via the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP). These reference values will be synced to SPM and populate various fields in the SPM Contract Mag, SPM Advanced Cost Manager, and SPM Contract Container modules.  


Installation Instructions: This format requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database.

For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary.




The SPM_REF format contains the following sections:

rt_spm_cost_calc – Populates the RT_SPM_COST_CALC reference table. By populating this table, a COST_CALC_CODE can be created and will be synced to the SPM Contract MAG module. This section contains fields that are related to the general cost calculation for an SPM sampling event.

rt_spm_cost_calc_mag – Populates the RT_SPM_COST_CALC_MAG reference table. By populating this table, the SPM Advanced Cost Manager’s Cost Entries table will be synced with those values. This section contains fields detailing an SPM sampling event including specifics of the analysis (e.g., method analyte group and analytic method) and specifics of the lab’s pricing (e.g., base number of samples and report level / turnaround time cost multipliers).

rt_spm_container – Populates the RT_SPM_CONTAINER reference table. By populating this table, the SPM Contract Container module will be synced with those values.

spm_task_cost – Populates DT_TASK and DT_SPM_TASK_COST tables. The DT_SPM_TASK_COST table details the task(s) involved in the SPM sampling event and the associated costs.  


Containers – Sample container data resides in the RT_SPM_CONTAINER table. SPM adds containers to the RT_SPM_CONTAINER table, if the container does not already exist.


Cost Calculations – Cost calculations are stored in the RT_SPM_COST_CALC and RT_SPM_COST_CALC_MAG tables. See the Use Advanced Cost in Laboratory Contracts and Advanced Cost Manager articles for more details on how to use cost calculations. If implementing Advanced Costs and the Laboratory Invoice Report, the LAB_PRODUCT_CODE and SPM_CONTRACT_MAG fields must be populated in the RT_SPM_COST_CALC_MAG table, which is only available with the SPM_REF format.



Limitations/Assumptions: The checks and mappings in any EDD format involve assumptions. The following are assumptions and limitations for the SPM_REF format.

RT_SPM_COST_CALC_MAG.COST_CALC_CODE must be the COMPANY_CODE in the SPM Advanced Cost Manager to populate the fields in the Cost Entries section.  



EQuIS Table Mappings: