REST API (22.2)

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REST API (22.2)



REST API – DELETE api/groups/{groupId} Non-Admin Delete Groups [d20252]

DELETE api/groups/{groupId} now allows non-admin users to delete groups for which they have owner permission.





REST API – GET api/files/{fileId}/pages/{pageIndex} Endpoint FileController Returns 416 Range Not Satisfiable for Partially Uploaded Files [d19386]

Added a 416 Range Not Satisfiable response to the FileController api/files/{fileId}/pages/{pageIndex} GET endpoint for partially uploaded files.





REST API – GET api/files/{fileId}/thumbnail Endpoint FileController Returns 416 Range Not Satisfiable for Partially Uploaded Files [d19182]

Added a 416 Range Not Satisfiable response to the FileController api/files/{fileId}/thumbnail GET endpoint for partially uploaded files.





REST API – POST api/groups Non-Admin Create Groups [d20249]

POST api/groups now allows non-admin users the ability to create groups at the root level with creator permission on the Groups and Folders object.





REST API – POST api/groups/{groupId} Non-Admin Create Groups Within Groups [d20255]

POST api/groups/{groupId} now allows non-admin users the ability to create child groups with creator permission on the Groups and Folders object and owner permission on the parent group.





REST API – PUT api/groups/{groupId} Non-Admin Update Groups [d20254]

PUT api/groups/{groupId} now allows non-admin users to update groups for which they have owner permission.





REST API – resultOffset and resultRecordCount Properties Return the Correct Records When Output is JSON [d19492]

Fixed a bug where the number of records and record offset were returning incorrect records when output was in JSON.