SPM (22.2)

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SPM (22.2)



Schema – SPM – Insert Records for New Workflow Agent [d21167]

Added data to tables ST_SERVICE_RESERVATIONST_WORKFLOW, and ST_WORKFLOWSTEP to create a new workflow agent named "BatchScheduler" for SPM Batch Scheduler.





SPM – Added Database and Facility to Top Banner [d19930]

Added the database and selected facility information to the top banner text in SPM





SPM – Added LOTE Translations [d19053]

Language support has been added to SPM for French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.





SPM – Added Parent Method Analyte Group (MAG) Level Specification [d20981]

A new feature adds a higher parent MAG level to SPM Contracts. The parent MAG will have members or children that are a subset of the full RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP table of MAGs. The parent and child MAGs are defined using the RT_GROUP and RT_GROUP_MEMBER tables.

See https://help.earthsoft.com/20129 for more detail.





SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed – Task Codes Parameter Exceeded Character Length [d21338]

Fixed a bug in the 'SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed' report that caused a "value may not exceed 4000 characters" error when numerous SPM task codes exist and none were selected in the report parameter.





SPM – Enhanced Warning Message for New Tasks [d19808]

Enhanced the warning message when a New Task's Scheduled Task Schema is set to [planned_task_code].





SPM - Labels (Custom2) – New Report [d20577]

The SPM module now includes a new version of the SPM - Labels report, called 'SPM - Labels (Custom2)'. This report includes a Barcode for SYS_LOC_CODE and one for SYS_SAMPLE_CODE.

We recommend republishing the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll to the database, following these instructions: https://help.earthsoft.com/pro_report-publisher.htm.

See the report article for more details, https://help.earthsoft.com/labels.htm.





SPM - Populate Result Purpose – New Report [d18365]

A new standard by request report called 'SPM - Populate Result Purpose'. When the Update Results Table feature is used, this report will copy the DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_RESULT.PURPOSE to the matching DT_RESULT.PURPOSE field.

See the report article for more details, https://help.earthsoft.com/30443.





SPM – Samples Missing and SYS_SAMPLE_CODE Matched SAMPLE_ID Instead of Sample Code Naming Schema [d20901]

Fixed an issue which caused some samples to not get scheduled as well as caused the SYS_SAMPLE_CODE to match the SAMPLE_ID instead of the sample code naming schema. This occurred when a planned child-parent sample pair existed, SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE was in the sample code naming schema and the 'Schedule Sample in Location Order' option in the SPM backstage was set to 'True'.





SPM – Sign In Button Cutoff [d19385]

Fixed a bug where changing the server and user types on the Connect Tab in SPM and Professional caused a temporary display issue with the Sign In Button.





SPM Enterprise – Apply Widget Editor Color Theme to SPM Widget [d21301]

Added the ability to change the color theme in SPM Enterprise from the Widget Editor.





SPM Enterprise – Resource Groups – Table Alignment [d19494]

Redesigned user interface of the Resource Group's table in SPM Enterprise.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Added a Schedule Button [d20665]

Added a 'Schedule' tab, button and dialog on the SPM Enterprise Scheduler page and made tasks selectable on the calendar.

See https://help.earthsoft.com/spm-schedule-tasks-by-batch-via-sc.htm for more detail.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Added Task Status Tab [d21124]

Added a 'Task Status' tab which shows the status of scheduled tasks in a grid, to the Scheduler page of SPM Enterprise.

See https://help.earthsoft.com/spm-task-status-tab.htm for more detail.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Batch Schedule button [d21019]

Added a schedule button and dialog in SPM Enterprise and made tasks on the calendar selectable.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Calendar Header Now Fully Visible [d18959]

Fixed a bug in SPM Enterprise where the edit modal on the Scheduler tab covered the calendar header.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Extra day Added to End Date When Editing a Task [d13223]

Fixed a bug in the SPM Enterprise Scheduler that caused an extra day to be added to the end date when a scheduled task start/end date was edited.





SPM Enterprise – Scheduler – Unable to Load When Certain DT_EQUIPMENT fields Exceeded 50 characters [d20610]

Fixed a bug in SPM Enterprise where the Scheduler tab would not load if EQUIPMENT_DESC, EQUIPMENT_CODE or REMARK in DT_EQUIPMENT exceeded 50 characters.





SPM Enterprise – UI Improvements, Widget Header, Logo and Button Color [d19070]

UI Improvements of SPM Enterprise; including a logo update, default color change and corrected button alignment issues.





SPM Formats – Strongly Named SPM_REF Format and Embedded Standard SPM Formats [d20463]

Strongly named the SPM_REF format and embedded standard SPM formats.