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Displaying Notes

Notes Fields




Within the DT_NOTE table, EQuIS can store notes for a data record. Administrators can access DT_NOTE from Open > Data Tables. This page describes the structure and behavior of EQuIS notes. For information on adding or editing notes, see the Notes Form page.


Other than reference table RT_NOTE_TYPE, DT_NOTE has no relationships with other tables. Instead, the table stores the EQuIS Unique Identifier (EUID) of the parent record in the DB_RECORD_ID field. If the EUID field for the parent record is blank, clicking the Notes Notes-16  cell for that row will populate it. For the few system tables without EUID columns, the following message will appear when attempting to add a note within the table:

Key not found: 'euid'


The Notes feature involves several components:

the Notes column within a table

within that column, the Notes field for each record

the Notes Form to add or edit notes


Notes options include the following:

add or edit notes

attach files to a note

set due dates

add notes onto other notes, creating a hierarchy


EQuIS saves event parameters from the Data Quality Module (DQM) in DT_NOTE. There are multiple notes for each event, as each specification (such as a check) has an individual note. The parent record for these notes is the DQM Exceptions Report by EDD user report saved for the event in ST_USER_REPORT.


Displaying Notes


The Notes column contains fields with the Notes icon Notes-16. Although the Notes column appears in the Grid View, it is not a column in EQuIS data tables, nor do Notes fields affect the data in a displayed table. The Notes display is just a user interface to interact with DT_NOTE records associated with that table.


If there are no notes in the database (i.e. DT_NOTE is empty), the Notes column is automatically hidden. Show or hide the Notes column in one of two ways:

1.Click the Notes button on the grid toolbar, or

2.Toggle the Key = Notes entry at the top of the list within the Column Chooser.




A record with at least one note has a brighter Notes icon, outlined in green and yellow; otherwise, the icon is greyed out.


Within Views, the Notes button is disabled; turning on Notes via the Column Chooser within a view will display notes associated with the EUID listed for that view. Consequently, EarthSoft does not recommend editing notes from within a view.



Notes Fields


Fields for notes consist of the following (all stored in DT_NOTE).

NOTE_ID: the ID of the note, equal to its EUID value. If an attachment file is associated with a note, DT_FILE.OBJECT_EUID is populated with the NOTE_ID.

PARENT_NOTE_ID: the NOTE_ID/EUID of the parent record, which users can set to an existing NOTE_ID in DT_NOTE

DB_RECORD_ID: the EUID of the parent record NOTE_TITLE: the note title. DQM events use the note title “DQM Event”.

NOTE_TEXT: the note text. DQM events populate this field with the event name.

NOTE_TYPE: the note type, with available options coming from RT_NOTE_TYPE

NOTE_CATEGORY_1 to _3: freeform fields to store note categories. A DQM Event note populates these fields with the following event summary details, respectively.

oCheck Name

oType of Sample or Result Reviewed

oMethod Used to Find Associated Results



CONTACT_1 to _3: people or companies associated with the note. These fields are freeform; contacts do not have to be in DT_PERSON or RT_COMPANY.

CUSTOM_FIELD_1 to _5: custom fields for any desired data. DQM Events populate CUSTOM_FIELD_1 and _2 with check information.

EBATCH: the Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) batch for any notes uploaded via EDD (for example, via the Geotechnical format)

EUID: the EQuIS Unique Identifier for the note, which also determines the NOTE_ID

VALUE_1 to _5: any desired values. DQM events populate the VALUE_1 through _4 fields with the following values from a check, respectively.

oTotal Number of Results

oNumber of Results Review

oNumber of Exceptions

oNumber of Results Associated