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Within the DT_NOTE table, EQuIS can store notes for a data record. Administrators can access DT_NOTE from Open > Data Tables. This page describes the structure and behavior of EQuIS notes. For information on adding or editing notes, see the Notes Form page.
Other than reference table RT_NOTE_TYPE, DT_NOTE has no relationships with other tables. Instead, the table stores the EQuIS Unique Identifier (EUID) of the parent record in the DB_RECORD_ID field. If the EUID field for the parent record is blank, clicking the Notes cell for that row will populate it. For the few system tables without EUID columns, the following message will appear when attempting to add a note within the table:
Key not found: 'euid'
The Notes feature involves several components:
•the Notes column within a table
•within that column, the Notes field for each record
•the Notes Form to add or edit notes
Notes options include the following:
•add or edit notes
•attach files to a note
•set due dates
•add notes onto other notes, creating a hierarchy
EQuIS saves event parameters from the Data Quality Module (DQM) in DT_NOTE. There are multiple notes for each event, as each specification (such as a check) has an individual note. The parent record for these notes is the DQM Exceptions Report by EDD user report saved for the event in ST_USER_REPORT.
The Notes column contains fields with the Notes icon . Although the Notes column appears in the Grid View, it is not a column in EQuIS data tables, nor do Notes fields affect the data in a displayed table. The Notes display is just a user interface to interact with DT_NOTE records associated with that table.
If there are no notes in the database (i.e. DT_NOTE is empty), the Notes column is automatically hidden. Show or hide the Notes column in one of two ways:
1.Click the Notes button on the grid toolbar, or
2.Toggle the Key = Notes entry at the top of the list within the Column Chooser.
A record with at least one note has a brighter Notes icon, outlined in green and yellow; otherwise, the icon is greyed out.
Within Views, the Notes button is disabled; turning on Notes via the Column Chooser within a view will display notes associated with the EUID listed for that view. Consequently, EarthSoft does not recommend editing notes from within a view.
Fields for notes consist of the following (all stored in DT_NOTE).
•NOTE_ID: the ID of the note, equal to its EUID value. If an attachment file is associated with a note, DT_FILE.OBJECT_EUID is populated with the NOTE_ID.
•PARENT_NOTE_ID: the NOTE_ID/EUID of the parent record, which users can set to an existing NOTE_ID in DT_NOTE
•DB_RECORD_ID: the EUID of the parent record NOTE_TITLE: the note title. DQM events use the note title “DQM Event”.
•NOTE_TEXT: the note text. DQM events populate this field with the event name.
•NOTE_TYPE: the note type, with available options coming from RT_NOTE_TYPE
•NOTE_CATEGORY_1 to _3: freeform fields to store note categories. A DQM Event note populates these fields with the following event summary details, respectively.
oCheck Name
oType of Sample or Result Reviewed
oMethod Used to Find Associated Results
•CONTACT_1 to _3: people or companies associated with the note. These fields are freeform; contacts do not have to be in DT_PERSON or RT_COMPANY.
•CUSTOM_FIELD_1 to _5: custom fields for any desired data. DQM Events populate CUSTOM_FIELD_1 and _2 with check information.
•EBATCH: the Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) batch for any notes uploaded via EDD (for example, via the Geotechnical format)
•EUID: the EQuIS Unique Identifier for the note, which also determines the NOTE_ID
•VALUE_1 to _5: any desired values. DQM events populate the VALUE_1 through _4 fields with the following values from a check, respectively.
oTotal Number of Results
oNumber of Results Review
oNumber of Exceptions
oNumber of Results Associated
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 26 Feb 2024