Edit Tables

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Edit Tables

EQuIS Professional allows users to manually edit tables using several methods. To edit records, users require sufficient permission:

at least Editor permissions on the logged-in facility; otherwise, the table will be read-only, and the Save and Cascade Delete buttons will not be available.

for restricted System Tables, administrator privileges

appropriate database-level permissions on that table for that connection (such as for the connection string credentials of an Application Level Security role)

for adding or removing Enterprise folder items (e.g, facilities or reports; see Permissions), Owner permission on both the group/folder and the item.


Warning: Edits should not be made to the ST_LOG or ST_USAGE tables. In EQuIS Professional, for Build 24.2 and earlier, editing either table will result in the entire table being overwritten with the values of the edited row when the edit is saved. Custom tables that include an auto-incrementing computed column can also experience this issue. Please contact EarthSoft Support with any questions.






Add data directly into any table by selecting the Add... button, located at the bottom of each table view.

The Add... button for each table is named for its Data Table or Reference Table. The Add... button shown here is for DT_SAMPLE. By selecting the DT_SAMPLE Add... button, a new row is added to the bottom of the specified Table. This new row is denoted by 15103-asterisk in the first cell of the new row.

Find and Replace


To open the Find and Replace Dialog, click the Find icon Binoculars-02 in the toolbar, also available with shortcuts Ctrl + F or Ctrl + H.



Save changes to the database. Click the Save Icon Save in the toolbar and save your work frequently when manually editing EQuIS tables. When closing the table in EQuIS Professional after changes have been made, prompts appear to save any changes.


Note: Upon exporting a table filtered by regular expressions, Professional sets the table to read-only. To edit the table again, close the tab by right-clicking on the name in the Workspace pane selecting Remove item. Then reopen the table or rerun the report.



Click the Refresh Icon Reload  in the toolbar to ensure all edits appear when reviewing tables in EQuIS Professional after making manual edits.

Cascade Delete

Data Delete-16


Click the Cascade Delete Icon Data Delete-16 in the toolbar to Cascade Delete records. This will delete all the selected records in the current table and all the child records. Clicking YES in the confirmation deletes all records without having to click Save to commit those changes.


In addition to the permissions listed above, this button may be disabled or hidden based on the CascadeDelete ST_CONFIG settings.

Key Columns

Within EQuIS Professional tables, there are Key Columns. These are fields represent the following:

Required Columns

Lookup Columns


Press ALT + ENTER within a table cell to create a new line when the following conditions are met.

The cell is not in a key column.

The cell is in a text-based column (not numeric, date, etc.).

Adding a new line will not exceed the maximum number of characters for that cell.


Note: Deleting a parent record in one of these tables deletes the child records in the associated tables:



RT_GROUP (child records in RT_GROUP_MEMBER)