Live Depth Series Data Agent

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Live Depth Series Data Agent

Report Name: EQuIS Live: Depth Series Data (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll


Description: The EQuIS Live: Date Series Data report allows users to retrieve logger depth data in EQuIS Professional and Enterprise.


This report is similar to the Date Series Data report, except that it retrieves data from the DT_LOGGER_DEPUM table -- see Logger Depth -- rather than the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table.




Report Parameters


Select the desired logger(s).

Only loggers for the currently selected facility will be available. The loggers must also have one or more series with SERIES_TYPE set to 'DEPUM'.

If no logger is selected, data for all loggers will be retrieved.


Select the desired series.

If one or more loggers are selected, only series for the selected logger(s) will be retrieved. If no series is selected, data for all series will be retrieved.


Optionally, select one or more datum qualifiers (from RT_LOGGER_QUALIFIER) to filter the data based on the selected qualifier(s).

Max Decimal Digits

Optionally, enter the maximum number of decimal digits desired in the retrieved DATUM_VALUEs, between 0 and 9.

NULL Qualifier Swap

Optionally, replace NULL DATUM_QUALIFIERs with this value in the report output (e.g., to display data in the Time Series Chart Widget and group data by DATUM_QUALIFIER).

Show Coordinates

Check this parameter to retrieve X and Y coordinates, and FACILITY_ID, for each datum (e.g., to display data in the Traffic Light Widget, and/or Traffic Light Map Widget).

Show Inactive Data

Check this parameter to retrieve (active and) inactive data.

Data is active if both its series and logger have STATUS_FLAG = 'A'; otherwise it is inactive.

Additional Fields

Select additional table columns to include in results.

The columns for the DT_LOGGER, DT_LOGGER_SERIES, and DT_LOGGER_DEPUM tables are included by default, and other tables can also be added by providing join conditions. For more info see How To Customize Additional Fields Parameter.

Extra Selects

Add extra selects to include in results, for example:

equis.unit_conversion(DATUM_VALUE, SERIES_UNIT, 'ft', 9999999) AS [Depth (ft)]

For more info see Extra Selects.

Note: This parameter is hidden by default.

* This report also includes hidden parameter: Facility



Enterprise Widgets


This report can also be used in EQuIS Enterprise widgets to visualize logger depth data (e.g., together with other types of data in EQuIS).




Time Series Chart Widget

The NULL Qualifier Swap parameter can be used used to group data by DATUM_QUALIFIER.

Traffic Light Widget

Check Show Coordinates parameter to show x and y coordinates, and FACILITY_ID.

Traffic Light Map Widget