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The Intervals table is used to record data about the vertical intervals at which measurements are taken. For instance, they may be used to record the depth of well screens or soil sample depth intervals. The contents of the Interval field must be unique for a given Location value, but multiple wells can share a single screen name. For example, wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 may all have the common Interval field value of S, but well MW-1 may not have two records with Interval values of S. Each Location value in the Interval data table must correspond to a value in the Location field in a record in the Locations data table.


In versions prior to EnviroInsite 2016, this table was known as the Screens table. EnviroInsite is backwards compatible and can still read files with a Screens table instead of the Intervals table.


Field Name


Data Type

Must be


Unique Location ID

Text String



Text string used to identify a screen casing for a well or a sample interval in a boring log

Text String



Text string identifying screen group

Text String


Top Elevation or Top Depth

Elevation of or depth to top of screen (if using depth, must also use depth for bottom of well)

Numeric - Floating Point


Bottom Elevation or Bottom Depth

Elevation of or depth to bottom of screen

Numeric - Floating Point


Other Optional Fields

Other fields with any field name can be entered at the user's discretion. Values in these fields may be selected for posting in the header or footer of full page boring log plots.

