User Administration

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User Administration

EQuIS Enterprise 7 includes a powerful and flexible permission system that lets administrators configure EQuIS security according to specific needs. User roles can be created and are configurable to allow different levels of access to the application and the data maintained in the EQuIS database. Administrators can add or remove users, create and assign roles for groups of users, and assign permissions to users and roles.


Articles in this chapter provide detailed information for both users and administrators on permissions, how they work, and how they are assigned. Users can also learn how to change passwords and generate user certificates for EDD submittals.


For tasks for individual users, see the Users section in the EQuIS Enterprise chapter.


For details on EQuIS Enterprise permissions, see the Permissions section.


Activate Users Ent-User-Icon

Disable Users Ent-Disable-Icon

Impersonate a User Ent-Impersonate-Icon

Create and Assign Roles Ent-Role-Icon

Apply Permissions Ent-Permissions-Owner-Icon Ent-Permissions-Editor-Icon Ent-Permissions-Viewer-Icon Ent-Permissions-Creator-Icon

Create or Delete REST API Tokens Ent-New_Role_Button-Icon Ent-Delete_Icon


For details on other administrator capabilities in EQuIS, see EQuIS Administrator Privileges.