Link (24.2)

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Link (24.2)





Link – Added "Save Errors" Option to Mapper Status Dialog [d39446]

Added the ability to save a text output only containing table mapping errors in the Mapping Status dialog by clicking the "Save Errors" button.





Link – Control Mapping Names [d39351]

Added the ability to change the names of mappings, although each mapping name must be unique.





Link – File Name of Source File Available in Formulas [d39111]

Enabled the use of source file names within formulas, for Link data sources, by using the "#meta_name" field. 





Link – Fixed Accessing EDD Format When Processing Source Files Issue [d39740]

Fixed an issue where Link would intermittently fail to access the EDD format when processing source files.





Link – Fixed an Error When Fields Tab Double Clicked [d39405]

Fixed a bug where double clicking the Fields tab from the Formula Dialog results in an error message being displayed.





Link – Fixed Error When Viewing Mappings [d39377]

Fixed a bug that resulted in an error when attempting to view mappings. The data sources that were affected are UU UC, Geotech, Hogentogler, and  Consolidation Geotac Sigma.





Link – Fixed Formula Builder "Search" Not Clearing when Switching Tabs [d39108]

Fixed a bug that caused the Search String contents to not be cleared when switching between different tabs in the Link formula builder.





Link – Fixed Formula Evaluator [d39276]

Fixed a bug in Link that caused the "Evaluate" functionality for assessing the output of a formula to not work.





Link – Fixed Intermittent Failure [d38859]

Fixed an intermittent issue that caused Link to fail at the end of the mapping process when Link is attempting to get the mapping messages.





Link – Fixed Multiple Source Files Through Virtual Format Triggering Cross-table Errors Incorrectly [d39293]

Fixed an issue where cross-table error checks were mistakenly flagged because EDD tables were not refreshed after a Link virtual format completed processing the source data.





Link – Fixed Translation Issue in Link Mapper [d39408]

Fixed a bug that caused "Finalize" text to not be displayed in the Link Mapper when using a language other than English.





Link – Improved Mapping Status Dialog Performance [d38999]

Improved the Mapping Status dialog performance when users switch tables and reduced the number of messages by not displaying duplicate logs.





Link – Improved Parent/Child Relationships and Mapping Information for Generic XML Data Sources [d38947]

Improved Link by:
  • Fixing a bug where a mapping for a Generic XML table, with multiple parent tables, might have been skipped.
  • Adding parent row information to the Load Tables dialog for Generic XML data sources.