Geotech (24.2)

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Geotech (24.2)





Geotech Sample Test/Review Widget – Grids Not Loading with WQX Schema Applied [d37943]

Fixed bug which causes the EQuIS Geotech Sample Test/Review Widget to fail to populate data when the WQX Schema is applied.





Geotechnical Reports – Geotechnical Results – Added New Column for 'result_value_text' [d37876]

Added DT_GEO_RESULT.RESULT_VALUE_TEXT to the output of the Geotechnical Results Report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d30189.dll).





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Add 'Other_Location_Results' Section [d39254]

Added the Other_Location_Results section to the Geotechnical_v2 format to allow users to store additional test results associated with locations.





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Add SYS_LOC_CODE as Part of Primary Key for Hand_Penetrometer_Test and Dynamic_CPT Sections [d39348]

Added the SYS_LOC_CODE field to the Hand_Penetrometer_Test and Dynamic_CPT sections of the Geotechnical_v2 format.





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Added "result_description" Field to Lithology_Component Section [d39919]

Updated the Lithology_Component section of the Geotechnical_v2 Format:
  • Added the "result_description" field.
  • Removed the "euid" field.
  • Changed the name of "value" field from "value" to "prelim_description"; the mapping remains the same.





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Additional Fields in Facility Section [d38964]

Updated the Facility section of the Geotechnical_v2 format to include the following fields:
  • IDENTIFIER – The facility-specific coordinate identifier, for example, "PRIMARY".
  • COORD_UNIT – The unit of measurement of the coordinate type.
  • DEPTH_UNIT – Unit of measure for depth (e.g., m), populated from the RT_UNIT table.
  • ELEV_UNIT – The unit of measurement of the elevation of a facility.
  • WORKFLOW_STATUS – The status of the facility. For example, "inpr" for in progress, or "comp" for complete. If left empty, the Geotech Schema will populate DT_FACILITY.WORKFLOW_STATUS as 'None'.





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Update Format Version Number [d39389]

Updated the Geotechnical_v2 format version to 1.00.2 in the 7.24.2 Build.





Geotechnical_v2 Format – Update UnconfComp_Readings and UnconsolUndrain_Readings Sections to Remove Hardcoded Unit Mappings [d38784]

Added the ELAPSED_TYPE_UNIT field to the UnconsolUndrain_Readings and UnconfComp_Readings sections of the Geotechnical_v2 format file to allow users greater flexibility with unit reference values.





Schema – Geotech – EI_LITHOLOGY_DESCRIPTION Descriptions No Longer Adds Extra Commas and Spaces [d38373]

Updated the EI_LITHOLOGY_DESCRIPTION database function in the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xse) to remove extraneous characters in the description value





Schema – Geotech – EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_DATA and EQUIS.GEOTECH_DMT_DATA Functions Incorrectly Convert Values from TSF to MPA [d39443]

Updated the EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_DATA and EQUIS.GEOTECH_DMT_DATA functions in the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xse) to calculate the correct values of columns when DT_TASK_PARAMETER.PARAM_CODE ='cpt_output_units' = 'M' (i.e., metric units). 





Schema – Geotech – EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_DATA Function – Elevation Fields Now Convert Based on Units Set in DT_TASK_PARAMETER [d35783]

Updated the database function EQUIS.GEOTECH_CPT_DATA in the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xse) to appropriately convert elevation based on DT_TASK_PARAMETER.PARAM_CODE = 'CPT_OUTPUT_UNITS' for use in the Geotechnical CPT Data report.





Schema – Geotech – Error in EI_LITHOLOGY_DESCRIPTION Function When Description Exceeds 255 Characters [d39313]

Updated the EI_LITHOLOGY_DESCRIPTION database function in the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xse) to support more than 255 characters in the description value. 





Schema – Geotech – Update EI_ADVANCEMENT_METHOD Function to Include Bottom Depth and Auger Diameter [d38228]

Added bottom depth and auger diameter to the output of the Geotechnical function  EI_Advancement_Method.





Schema – Geotech – Updated EI_WATERLEVEL_GRAPHIC Function to Be Compatible with Metric Units [d38331]

Updated the EI_WATERLEVEL_GRAPHIC function in the Geotech Schema (schema.geotech.xse) to make it compatible with metric units. The function now supports units in feet or meters.