EnviroInsite (24.2)

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EnviroInsite (24.2)





EnviroInsite – CAD Export Does Not Resemble EnviroInsite Output [d38320]

Fixed a bug where output of a CAD file exported from EnviroInsite did not resemble the EnviroInsite output.





EnviroInsite – Cannot Export as DWG File [d38543]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where exporting .dwg files would cause an error.





EnviroInsite – DXF 2007 Not Supported [d38718]

Removed the DXF 2007 version from EnviroInsite CAD exports as it is not supported in the VectorDraw file converter tool.





EnviroInsite – Exported DWG File Has Incorrect Version [d37958]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where the DWG file type export saved as a different version than the one selected.





EnviroInsite – Update CAD Exports to Most Recent AutoCAD File Type [d37919]

Updated EnviroInsite to support exporting DWG and DXF data to the most recent AutoCAD version.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Downhole Interval Text Continues into Footer Area [d38849]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite boring logs where downhole interval text was displayed in the footer section. Text will now display on the next page as needed.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Max Above Ground Height Setting Wrongly Alters Axis Column [d38217]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite boring logs where the "Max Above Ground Height" setting would distort vertical axes segments after the first page.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Date Fields Not Retaining Format for Some Formats Depending on Date [d39334]

Updated the EnviroInsite Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles to retain specified formatting for Date fields regardless of the date value.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Filter DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY.START_DEPTH and END_DEPTH by Facility [d39041]

Updated EnviroInsite Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles to filter DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY.START_DEPTH and DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY.END_DEPTH by facility to apply appropriate units. This change requires that either DT_LOCATION.UNITS or DT_FACILITY.EVEL_UNIT is populated.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – 'Hide columns with no data' Error with Graphic Functions [d37276]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite boring logs and subsurface profiles where an error would occur when plotting graphic functions and the 'Hide columns with no data' option was selected.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Horizontal Text Descriptions Overlapping when Segments at Same Depth in Well Construction Column [d37325]

Fixed an issue in the Well Construction diagram in EnviroInsite where horizontal text descriptions would overlap when well segments ended at the same depth.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Numeric Header/Footer Fields Displayed as Date Field [d38581]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where some header and footer fields were being formatted as a date when they were not a date field.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Plotting Downhole Point Data as Graph Converts Metric Depth Values Unnecessarily [d38911]

Fixed an issue in the EnviroInsite Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles where plotting downhole point data as a graph would convert metric depth values as if they are in feet to meters.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs II Report – Fixed Location Group Parameter Omitting Information [d38092]

Fixed a bug where selecting location groups in the EnviroInsite Boring Logs II report caused information to be omitted in the final report output.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs II Report – Output in Alphanumeric Order [d37392]

Updated the EnviroInsite Boring Logs II report to sort locations so that the cover page and boring logs are in alphanumeric order.





EnviroInsite Subsurface Profile – Allow Users to Define Material Legend Box Size [d38223]

Updated the EnviroInsite Subsurface Profile material legend to include an option that allows users to specify a legend box size.





EnviroInsite Subsurface Profiles – Automatically Generated Axis Unit Text Displaying in Uppercase [d39470]

Fixed an issue with the Subsurface Profiles in EnviroInsite where the axis unit text was displaying in uppercase when it should have displayed in lowercase.