Enterprise (24.2)

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Enterprise (24.2)





Dashboard Chooser – Fixed Search Button [d37580]

Fixed a bug that caused the Search button (i.e., magnifying glass icon) to not work.





Dashboard Chooser – Improved Grid View Search Functionality [d37472]

Added a search bar to the Grid View of the Dashboard Chooser to simplify searching for dashboards, including dashboards contained within subfolders. Users can either click the "Search" (i.e., magnifying glass) button or use the "Enter" button on their keyboard to initiate the search.





EDP EDD Status Widget – Added New "In Progress" Status Icon [d38775]

Updated the icons used in the EDD Status Widget and expanded the in-process icons to distinguish between an EDD that is being processed and one that is being queued.





EDP EDD Status Widget – Will Now Display EDP Professional Uploads for Non-admin Users [d37442]

The EDP EDD Status widget will now display EDP Professional uploads for non-admin users uploading to formats without the Pro.RegisterFile ST_CONFIG configured.





EDP EDD Upload Widget – Blank EDD Templates that Includes BOTH Parent Values and Valid Values Has Some Tables Populated [d39345]

Fixed a bug that caused blank EDD templates generated through the EDP Upload Widget to contain some unexpected values for specific formats.

Also added a new efdManagementConfiguration section for ST_CONFIG that allows for more standardized control over the blank EDDs downloaded through the EDP Upload Widget.





EDP EDD Upload Widget – Bulk Uploads Now Allows Multiple Uploads [d37584]

The EDP EDD Beta upload functionality has been updated to allow multiple EDD uploads. A new dialog will appear displaying the upload process for each upload. 





EDP EDD Upload Widget – Updated Text for Editor Beta Tab [d38983]

Updated the Beta tab in the EDP EDD Upload widget editor to reflect the inability to drag/drop files to the beta uploader. 





Enterprise Workflow – EmailDeliver Agent Attempts to Resend Failed Email Notices [d37544]

Improved the EmailDeliver workflow agent by adding up to three retry attempts to deliver any email notices, that were not successfully delivered, before the process is marked as a failure.





Explorer Widget – Loading Errors and Slowness with Thousands of Objects [d39611]

Improved Explorer Widget performance when loading large datasets.





EZView Widget – Type Error Prevents Report Loading Without REST API Role [d38214]

Fixed a bug that prevented a report from loading in the EZView widget for sites without the REST API role.





Facility Chooser – Improved Grid View Search Functionality [d37864]

Added a search bar to the Grid View of the Facility Chooser to simplify searching for facilities, including facilities contained within subfolders. Users can either click the "Search" (i.e., magnifying glass) button or use the "Enter" button on their keyboard to initiate the search.





Map Widget – Fixed "Capture Extent" Usability Issue [d38445]

Fixed a bug where the Capture Extent button did not record the desired extent unless the map extent had been adjusted via clicking and dragging.





Report Chooser – Improved Grid View Search Functionality [d37867]

Added a search bar to the Grid View of the Report Chooser to simplify searching for reports, including reports contained within subfolders. Users can either click the "Search" (i.e., magnifying glass) button or use the "Enter" button on their keyboard to initiate the search.





Report Parameter Editor – Show Parameter Remarks Above Parameter Value/List Area [d37318]

Added report parameter descriptions, stored in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.REMARK, which appear above the parameter value area. 





Web Forms Widget – Add Details About Errors Encountered when Submitting Data [d37909]

Added the form name to the validation error message when submitting data in Web Forms widget to help users understand which form(s) have the error(s).





Web Forms Widget – Add Split View Feature for Editing Child Forms [d37348]

Added a new Split View feature to the Grid Entry screen in the Web Forms widget. When toggled on, the split view feature allows users to view and edit both parent and child forms at the same time.





Web Forms Widget – Allow User to Copy Multiple Values in 'Dynamic Selector' Field [d37290]

Improved data entry in the Web Forms widget by adding the ability for users to copy and paste multiple values in 'Dynamic Selector' fields that are configured with 'Multiple' option turned on as well as with 'Allow User Values'. User can copy values by selecting a cell then Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. User can also copy values from a Selection Dialog.





Web Forms Widget – Cannot Search within Drop-down after Directly Clicking Selector Field [d37435]

Fixed an issue in the Grid Entry screen of the Web Forms widget that prevented users from searching within the drop-down after clicking on a selector field.





Web Forms Widget – De-selecting Option in Multi-selector Drop-down Deselects All Selected Options [d38375]

Fixed an issue with Multi Selector fields in the Grid Entry screen of the Web Forms widget. De-selecting an option was causing all the other selected options to also be de-selected. Selected options in a Multi Selector field will remain selected unless explicitly de-selected.





Web Forms Widget – Make Form Refresh Tooltip More Descriptive [d38758]

Updated the tooltip description for the Form Refresh button on the Web Forms Widget to improve clarity to users regarding button functionality.





Web Forms Widget – Redesign Header Elements and Menu Options [d38587]

Improved the design of the Grid Entry screen in the Web Forms widget. The Import and Export functionality are now in the More Options menu. The text buttons on the widget header have been replaced with icons, however, the text still appears in the hover tooltip.





Web Forms Widget – Selector Field Incorrectly Populated with Value of 'False' [d38515]

Fixed an issue with the Selector field in the Grid Entry screen of the Web Forms widget where an incorrect value of 'false' would populate in the field if a user closed the drop-down without choosing an option.





Web Forms Widget – Support Form Filtering in Widget Header [d38574]

Added a filter drop-down to the widget header of the Grid Entry screen in the Web Forms widget that displays when Web Forms filtering functionality has been configured for the selected Collect template. 





Web Forms Widget – Update Static Height and Behavior of Text Displaying per Row [d37467]

Improved the behavior of rows in the Grid Entry screen of the Web Forms widget to allow users to better see the data in the grid. Unselected rows will be 30 pixels or less in height. Row cells will expand to fit text when selected.





Web Forms Widget – Use Arrow Keys when Searching within Selector Fields [d37966]

Updated the Web Forms widget to allow users to search within selector field drop-down menus using the arrow keys.





Web Forms Widget – Users Unable to Copy Selector Field Value Chosen by Searching in Drop-down [d38341]

Fixed an issue in the Grid Entry screen of the Web Forms widget that prevented users from copying a value from a selector field when chosen by searching for the value in the drop-down list using a mouse or keyboard actions.