EDP (24.2)

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EDP (24.2)





ActionLevels Format – New FACILITY_CODE Column [d39319]

The FACILITY_ID column has been replaced in the ActionLevels Format with FACILITY_CODE. (The FACILITY_CODE is used when creating an EDD to populate the FACILITY_ID column that is still present on the EDD Package.)





AGS Format – Versioned and Digitally Signed [d37515]

The AGS format, which supports AGS 3 files, now has a file version and is digitally signed.





Analytical Results II Format – Added Identifier Column [d39440]

Added an identifiercolumn to the Analytical_Results section of the Analytical Results II format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





EDD Formats – File Version Added to Format File [d37294]

The .dll files for the EarthSoft Standard Formats, Geotechnical_Refvals, and SPM Formats will now show the EQuIS Build in the File Version.





EDP – Culture Settings Honor Preferred Language Setting when Supported [d39338]

Fixed a bug that was causing EQuIS to ignore users' preferred language settings in Windows.





EDP – No Longer Returns 0 for NULLs During Concatenation [d38731]

Fixed a bug in EDP that was returning incorrect values during concatenation in Microsoft Excel formulas:
  • EDP will no longer add a 0 (zero) for a NULL value.
  • EDP will no longer truncate the number of 0s (zeros).





EDP – Open Data Package Is Enabled After Clear [d37568]

Fixed a bug in EDP that was causing the Open Package button to remain disabled after clearing a package.





EDP – Stop Unzipping Formats into the Temp Folder [d35778]

Updated EDP so that it will no longer unzip zipped formats into the Temp folder.





EDP Format – Added New Person_and_Company Format [d38811]

A new format Person_and_Company is now included with Professional EDP and EDP Standalone for loading data into the RT_COMPANY, RT_COMPANY_TYPE, AT_COMPANY, AT_COMPANY_PERSON, and DT_PERSON tables.





EDP Standalone – EDP Standalone Now Launches in LOTE When Using Shortcut or Command Prompt [d37620]

Fixed a bug that was causing EDP not to launch when using a command line parameter to launch with culture options (a.k.a., LOTE - Languages Other Than English). 





EDP Standalone – Saving Error Logs and Error Summary is Efficient for Large EDDs [d38553]

Improved performance refreshing grids in Standalone EDP reducing the time to save Error Logs and Error Summaries.





EDP Standard (Installer) Formats – Added Dynamic Field Length Check for RESULT_VALUE Based on Schema [d37888]

Added dynamic field lengths for result_value fields in standard formats installed with EQuIS Professional. This can be toggled True/False in ST_CONFIG using a new efdManagementConfiguration value called useDynamicFieldLength.





EFWEDD Format – Add Identifier Column [d39380]

Added an identifier column to the EFW2LabTST section of the EFWEDD format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





EFWEDD Format – Add Radiological Data Fields [d37582]

Added the following radiological data management fields to the EFW2LabRES section of the EFWEDD format, which all map to DT_RESULT:





EFWEDD Format – Dilution_factor Now Allows More Fraction Digits [d37343]

Updated the dilution_factor in EFWEDD from three fraction digits to seven to be consistent with EQEDD and EQEDD_v2 formats.





EIM Format – Now Strongly Named and Digitally Signed [d38176]

The EIM format has been strongly named and digitally signed.





EQEDD – Field Data Export Maps DT_LITHOLOGY.END_DEPTH to Lithology_v1.end_depth [d37901]

Updated the EQEDD Field Data EDD export to map DT.LITHOLOGY.END_DEPTH (instead of DT_LITHOLOGY.CUSTOM_FIELD_5) to Lithology_v1.end_depth.





EQEDD and EQEDD_v2 Formats – Add Identifier Column [d39400]

Added an identifier column to the TestResults_v1 and TestResultsQC_v1 sections of the EQEDD format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.

Added an identifier column to the TestResults_v2 and TestResultsQC_v2 sections of the EQEDD_v2 format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database TAKs when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





EQEDD and EQEDD_v2 Formats – Description File and Tooltip Now Correctly Mentions RT_SAMPLE_TYPE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CLASS [d37428]

Fixed a typo in both EQEDD and EQEDD_v2 Formats to correctly mention SAMPLE_TYPE_CLASS in the Description file and tooltip instead of RT_SAMPLE_TYPE.SAMPLE_CLASS.





EQEDD and EQEDD_v2 Formats – Update to RVF File [d38929]

Updated the RT_MATRIX records in the EQEDD.rvf and EQEDD_v2.rvf files to improve usability in EDP Standalone. The records have been updated as follows:
  • When the MATRIX_CODE = ‘SO’, the MATRIX_CLASS = ‘FIELD’
  • When the MATRIX_CODE = ‘WG’, the MATRIX_CLASS = ‘FIELD’
  • When the MATRIX_CODE = ‘WQ’, the MATRIX_CLASS = ‘NULL’
  • When the MATRIX_CODE = ‘WS’, the MATRIX_CLASS = ‘FIELD’





EQEDD, EQEDD_v2, and GeologyEDD Formats – DT_MEASURE_DATUM.MEASURE_DATUM_TYPE Added [d38677]

The following formats have been updated to include the measure_datum_type field in format sections that map to DT_MEASURE_DATUM:
  • EQEDD (Location_v1 and Well_v1 sections)
  • EQEDD_v2 (Location_v2, Well_v2 and Measure_Datum_v2 sections)
  • GeologyEDD (WellDatum section)





EQEDD_v2 Format – Added task_code_2 Field to LabSample_v2 [d39038]

Added the field task_code_2 to the LabSample_v2 section of the EQEDD_v2 format.





EQEDD_v2 Format – FieldSample_v2.field_sdg Maps Correctly to DT_SDG.SDG_NAME [d37241]

Updated the FieldSample_v2.field_sdg in the EQEDD_v2 format so that it now maps correctly to DT_SDG.SDG_NAME and no longer throws an error.





EQEDD_v2 Format – FieldSample_v2.sample_start_date Not Populating Even if SAMPLE_END_DATE is Populated [d37436]

Fixed a bug in the EQEDD_v2 format where if FieldSample_v2.sample_end_date was populated, DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_START_DATE was not populated with the value from the FieldSample_v2.sample_date field.





EQEDD_v2 Format – Increase person_name Field Length in Equipment_Parameter_v2 Section [d39037]

Updated the Equipment_Parameter_v2 section of the EQEDD_v2 Format to increase the person_name maximum field length to 50 characters.





EQEDD_v2 Format – New custom_field_ Fields in Location_v2 [d39049]

Added custom_field_(1-5) fields to the Location_v2 section of the EQEDD_v2 format. This allows data to be loaded to the CUSTOM_FIELDs in DT_LOCATION.





EQEDD_v2 Format – New Error When DT_WELL.CUSTOM_FIELD_1 is Double Mapped [d38144]

To prevent data loss, an error will now be thrown if both the well_description and custom_field_1 fields are populated in the Well_v2 section.





EQEDD_v2 Format – WaterLevel_v2.water_level_elev Can Now Be Manually Populated [d37455]

When WaterLevel_v2.water_level_elev is manually populated in EQEDD_v2 format, historical_reference_elev and water_level_depth will not be used to calculate and overwrite water_level_elev.





ERPIMS Format – Group 2 LTD.ENDDEPTH Mapping Updated to DT_LITHOLOGY.END_DEPTH [d37334]

Updated the ERPIMS Format Group 2 LTD.ENDDEPTH mapping to DT_LITHOLOGY.END_DEPTH.





ERPIMS Format – LOGDATE Exports to dd-MMM-yyyy Date Format [d37458]

ERPIMS format has been updated to correctly display and export LOGDATE in the dd-MMM-yyyy date format.

EDP has been updated to export date fields in the date format specified for each date field in the Format.





ERPIMS Format – Remove Enumeration from LOGCODE [d37299]

Updated LOGCODE in the ERPIMS format to be a lookup from RT_COMPANY.COMPANY_CODE instead of an enumeration.





ESBasic Format – Added Identifier Column [d39402]

Added an identifier column to the ESBasic format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





EZEDD and EZEDD_Location Formats – Add Identifier Column [d39432]

Added an identifier column to the EZEDD section of the EZEDD and EZEDD_Location Formats that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





Facility Format – Add dt_subfacility Section [d38790]

The Facility format has a new section, dt_subfacility, mapping to the DT_SUBFACILITY table to help users transfer all their facility related information between databases using one format.





Historical Format – Add Identifier Column [d39430]

Added an identifier column to the HistoricalChemistry_v1 section of the Historical format that maps to DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





HZST Format – Fixed Errors in equisdebug.log when Opening in EDP [d38989]

Fixed a bug in the Hazardous Site (HZST) Format where errors were being added to the equisdebug.log when opening in EDP.





NEDD Format – Duplicate Error No Longer Thrown When Updating DT_PERSON [d37288]

Updated the NEDD format so that it no longer throws a duplicate error when updating DT_PERSON. This format is available in the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center in the Formats > v7 > 22.1+ folder.





Professional EDP – Merge Only, Replace Only, and Update Only Commit Types Leave Data in Package View Pane [d39264]

Fixed a bug in Professional EDP where data was left in the Package View Pane after using the following commit types:
  • Merge Only
  • Replace Only
  • Update Only





Professional EDP and Standalone – Header Now Includes EQuIS Build Version [d37388]

Professional EDP and EDP Standalone now displays the EQuIS Build version in the header.





Refvals Format – Add rt_measure_datum Section [d38701]

Added new section rt_measure_datum to the refvals format.





Refvals Format – Increased timezone_code Length [d38691]

Update the timezone_code field length to 40 characters in sections rt_company, rt_timezone and rt_timezone_offset.





Scribe Format – Updates to Multiple Sections [d38519]

Revised the Scribe Format with the following changes:





SEDD Format – SEDD.zip Opens Without EDP Errors in Log [d37552]

The SEDD format now opens in EDP without errors in the equisdebug.log file.





WQX Format – Add column_number and identifier [d37326]

Added a column_number and identifier column to the Result section of the WQX format that maps to DT_TEST.COLUMN_NUMBER and DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER, respectively. Thus, the format can satisfy the database Test Alternate Keys (TAKs) when loading data if COLUMN_NUMBER and/or IDENTIFIER is a TAK.





WQX Format – Fixed Bad Lookup Definitions when Loading Format [d37541]

Fixed a bug that was causing format requirements to be ignored and causing the following lookup fields to not display as lookup fields in the WQX format:
  • CurrentSpeedMeasureUnitCode
  • PreparationEndTimeZoneCode
  • LabSamplePreparationMethodName
All three of the following fields must be populated if any one of them is populated:
  • LabSamplePreparationMethodName
  • LabSamplePreparationMethodIdentifierContext
  • LabSamplePreparationMethodIdentifier