Professional (24.2)

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Professional (24.2)





Forms – Action Levels – Updated FACILITY_ID to Drop-down List [d38017]

The FACILITY_ID field in the Action Level Form has been updated to a drop-down list that restricts the user to enter a value present in the list.





Forms – Enterprise EDP: EDD List – Updated to Convert Pro EDD Uploads from UTC to the User's Local Computer Time [d38962]

Updated the Enterprise EDP: EDD List Form to show the Date Received, Accepted, Rejected, or Stuck as the local date and time for EDDs submitted via Professional EDP Version 7.23.2 or later. It is important to note that the upload dates for EDDs are recorded as UTC dates in the ST_FILE_REGISTRATION table when uploaded to databases through Professional EDP Version 7.23.2 or later. 





Forms – RVF Builder – "Data at the root level is invalid" Error When Opening Standard Formats [d38499]

Fixed the "Data at the root level is invalid" error that would be generated when a format (.zip file) was opened in the RVF Builder Form.





Professional – Allow Non-Admin ALS Users with Viewer on all Facilities to View all Non-System Tables [d38735]

Enabled non-administrator Application-Level Security (ALS) users with (at minimum) Viewer permission on all facilities to view all Data Tables, Reference Tables, and Views. 





Professional – Open – Table Mode – Removed Limitations for Non-Admins with Viewer on All Facilities [d38736]

Enabled Non-Administrator Application-Level Security (ALS) users with Viewer permission, at the minimum, on all facilities to provide access to all Table Mode opening options.





Report/Interface – GWSDAT – Allow Custom Template [d38334]

Added the "Custom Template" parameter to GWSDAT so that users can select a new GWSDAT template in the future.





Report/Interface – GWSDAT – Include Groundwater Measurement Data (Water Levels and NAPL) [d38393]

Added water level parameters to the parameters of the GWSDAT report or interface so that WATER_LEVEL (GW) and LNAPL_THICKNESS (NAPL) are included in the output of GWSDAT.





Report/Interface – GWSDAT – Updated Template to 3.20 [d38247]

Updated the Excel template of GWSDAT to Version 3.20.





Reports – Action Level Exceedance II – Location Groups Missing from Output [d37874]

Added the LOC_GROUP_CODE field to the Action Level Exceedance II report output when a location group is selected.





Reports – Action Level Exceedance II – Non-Detect Symbol Added to AL_RESULT_TEXT [d39072]

The non-detect symbol will now be applied to the AL_RESULT_TEXT column regardless of the SIG_FIG parameter value for non-detect results.





Reports – Added Percent Moisture for Reporting Formula in Common.Units [d39411]

Percent moisture can now be used in the reporting formula for reports using the Common.Units method of report conversion — e.g., Action Level Exceedance II (ALEII) reports. 

In ALEII, a NaN ("Not a Number") will be returned IF
  • A conversion cannot be completed using reporting formulas, AND
  • An action level itself is being converted
Additionally, a bug causing dynamic formulas to be treated as constant formulas has been resolved. 





Reports – ALEII & ARII – TEQ_SUM and MAG_SUM Calculation Now Copies PARENT_SAMPLE_CODE [d38112]

Fixed a bug where PARENT_SAMPLE_CODE was not being populated in the sum row after MAG_SUM or TEQ_SUM calculations were performed for the following:
  • The Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters report
  • When applying transformations in the Analytical Results II report





Reports – Analytical Results II – Added Significant Figure Parameter [d36028]

Added a new parameter to Analytical Results II report to allow users to control the number of significant figures.





Reports – Analytical Results II – MAG_SUM and TEQ_SUM Now Correctly Sum the REPORTING_FORMULA Value [d38009]

Fixed a bug in the MAG_SUM and TEQ_SUM calculations that was causing incorrect results when using multiple analyte groups where one analyte group had a reporting formula.





Reports – Lithology Data – Included x_coord/y_coord Fields and Updated Latitude/Longitude Fields [d38061]

Added X_COORD and Y_COORD fields to the output of the Lithology Data Report. When the selected value of the 'Location/Coordinate Type Code' parameter does not contain 'LAT' and 'LONG', LONGITUDE and LATITUDE are determined by the 'PRIMARY' identifier and the coord_type_code containing 'LAT' and 'LONG'.





Reports – Location Parameters (Extra Fields) – Standardized Inclusion of RT_GROUP_MEMBER.REPORT_ORDER for Parameter Order [d39257]

Added RT_GROUP_MEMBER.REPORT_ORDER for DT_LOCATION_PARAMETER.PARAM_CODE to the output of the Location Parameters (Extra Fields) Report.





Reports – Make Reports Honor REQUIRED_YN Parameter in ST_REPORT [d36471]

Resolved a bug when running reports where some reports were not enforcing a required parameter (via REQUIRED_YN).





Reports – New – Multi-Facility Overview Report [d38907]

Added new Multi Facility Overview report (EarthSoft.Reports.Libarary.d37969.dll) to the EQuIS Standard Report Library. The report compiles information from the DT_FACILITY, DT_COORDINATE, and RT_WORKFLOW_STATUS tables regarding facility address, administrative details, locations with coordinates, and an approximate coordinate point for the facility.

For more information, see





Reports – Relative Percent Difference IV – Error when RESULT_NUMERIC=0 [d38537]

Updated the Relative Percent Difference IV report to return NULL and set flag columns to "Cannot divide by 0' if attempting to divide by zero. 





Reports – Removed 4000-Character Limit for Report Parameters [d35776]

Reports can now be run with parameters of more than 4000 characters.





Reports – Water Levels II – Accommodate Ground Surface Elevations that Change over Time [d38853]

Added Measure Datum Type parameter to accommodate new MEASURE_DATUM_TYPE field. 





Reports – Water Levels II – Parameter Improvements for Options and Visibility [d38184]

Updated the Water Levels II Report with the following:
  • Changed the "Water Level\User-estimated product density:" and "Water Level\Default Specific Gravity:" parameters to visible by default. 
  • Added the option "NULL/BLANK" to the "Water\Reportable:" parameter.
  • Removed the "Water\Reportable:" parameter default value of 'Y' for newly published reports; if desired in an existing report, this change must be made manually in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.
We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.64102.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Risk3T – Fixed Lead and Aluminum Soil pH Calculations [d38559]

A bug in the Tier 2 Soil-to-Groundwater calculations for Lead and Aluminum related to Soil pH changes has been fixed in Risk3T.





Schema – Professional – Added Percent Moisture for Reporting Formula in EQUIS.UNIT_CONVERSION_RESULT [d38074]

Added {percent_moisture} (from DT_TEST) as a value to be referenced in EQUIS.UNIT_CONVERSION_RESULT when a formula is used.  





Schema – Professional – EQUIS.DELETE_FACILITY Stored Procedure Unable to Delete Data from Tables Without Facility ID [d36442]

Fixed a bug where data from tables without Facility ID were not deleted when deleting a facility in EQUIS.DELETE_FACILITY. Following are examples of the tables that were not being deleted:





Schema – Professional – Expand Uses of DT_MEASURE_DATUM [d37860]

Created a new column, DT_MEASURE_DATUM.MEASURE_DATUM_TYPE, with a Foreign Key linking it to a new Reference Table, RT_MEASURE_DATUM. 





Schema – Professional – Removed 4000-Character Limit for Report Parameters [d36182]

Report parameters can now be saved to the database with values greater than 4000 characters. The following fields are now varchar(max): 
The following functions have also been updated accordingly: 





Schema – Professional – Updated ST_ID View Data Types to Fix EQUIS.CHECK_EUIDS Stored Procedure CONVERT Error [d37961]

Fixed an error when converting the data type of SQL_VARIANT from ST_ID (System Table ID) to int (integer) when executing the EQUIS.CHECK_EUIDS stored procedure.





Schema – Standard Reports – Remove Character Limits for Larger Report Parameter Inputs [d36685]

Updated the database standard function reports (v54) so that longer report parameter inputs (2,000 to 8,000 characters in length) have removed those character limits and are now varchar(max).