Known Issues 24.2

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Known Issues 24.2

ArcEQuIS, Collect Enterprise, Collect Mobile, Desktop Applications, EDGE, EDP, Enterprise, EnviroInsite, Live, Professional, Reports, SPM


All known issues will be considered for fixing in a future release. Please see for current information.



A Location Layer must be added to the map in addition to a Report Layer in order for labels to be displayed. The Location Layer may not perfectly align with the Report Layer's locations.

Most EQuIS software is digitally signed in EarthSoft's code signing certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (DigiCert). However, the ArcEQuIS add-in is signed only with a self-signed certificate due to current limitations in Esri's ArcGIS software development kit (SDK) that prevent the use of a code-signing certificate stored in a cloud-based hardware security module (HSM).

The list of EQuIS base reports in the new ArcEQuIS Ad Hoc Reports modal is missing some reports (e.g., Water Levels II), limiting which ad hoc user reports that can be created.

Graphics By Location and Select Locations are unresponsive when used as a Linked Layer from a facility configured to the UTM_17N COORD_TYPE_CODE. The workaround for this behavior is to right-click the layer in the table of contents, opening the attribute table for the layer, which restores the expected functionality.

The attribute table for large reports is empty when the layer is added as a snapshot layer.


Collect Enterprise

The Allow Form Refresh check box does not return to the default value (i.e., unchecked) when switching templates while creating a new data form.

When building a formula using the Add Outer Function tool, the necessary nodes required for the outer function are not shown and a parameter count error is displayed.

The Drag/Drop functionality is not working when adjusting the Collect widget settings while using Mozilla Firefox.

When editing a form section that has previously been configured with Data Sets there is no clear indication of the previously selected Data Set configuration.

Clicking "Show Complete" on the Data Forms page results in the User Groups column becoming blank. A workaround is to click the "Refresh" button on the Data Forms page.

Form Summary Report pagination is incorrect when many records are present in the report.

Translation files cannot be used if downloaded using a computer set to a language other than English.


Collect Mobile

When a Time field is a column within a Table Form field, the AM/PM marker will switch unexpectedly when selecting a time in the 12:00 hour.

When a Selector field is a column within a Table Form field, all of the field's Options will be shown regardless of any Visible formula on those Options.

Using an Android device with regional settings that use a comma as the decimal separator, users cannot enter decimal values in decimal fields. The workaround for this issue is to install a third party keyboard and set it as the default keyboard.

Android devices do not display the GPS location (i.e., blue dot) in Map Form Viewer.

Restoring a Collect backup made while "Remember my credentials" is enabled will automatically log in as the user who created the backup.


Desktop Applications

After clicking File or navigating to the backstage in some open EQuIS desktop applications (EQuIS Professional, SPM, and when connecting to an EQuIS database in EnviroInsite), single-clicking the Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons may only highlight the button. To minimize/maximize/close the applications, users may need to double-click the appropriate button.



When Collect generates an EDGE EDD that contains files, the Organize EDGE Files and Photos feature will not organize the files as expected.



In the EQEDD format, when TestResults_v1.dilution_factor is blank, it uses the default value of "1.0". This works when culture settings are en-US, but results in an error when using culture settings that use a "," for their decimal separator (e.g., de-DE).

DQM Exceptions Report is not translating to Languages other than English (LOTE).

Link Mapper Status messages may be displayed in the incorrect order.



Data Grid Widget – When a base report is loaded, selecting a Filter Name in the Dashboard Editor and saving causes the Data Grid widget to stop displaying records.

EDP EDD Upload Widget – Drag/drop functionality is not available.

Web Forms Widget – The "Submit" option displays within Web Forms Data Form regardless of defined User Settings for "Shown Columns". This allows users to Submit their data from within the Web Forms Data Form view.

When DT_PERSON.user_id is populated and an edit is made to the user in the User Manager widget, DT_PERSON.user_id is cleared and duplicate records could be added.



EnviroInsite is unable to reopen saved subsurface profile .vizx files.



Live Wind Rose Chart Widget – The widget does not plot data points whose wind speed values fall within the second wind speed interval (i.e., wind speeds that are greater than or equal to the upper limit of the first wind speed interval and less than the lower limit of the third wind speed interval).

status.aspx – page shows an incorrect FAIL status for all Live File Processor Workflow EFD configurations.

Live Historical Chart Widget – When Remarks are added to data points, the datum values saved to the database are not correctly converted to UTC from the timezone configured for displaying data points, causing incorrect date range values.



Docs & Photos Form – XML-structured files downloaded through the Docs & Photos Form are missing the final ">" of the closing tag. To avoid issues, download these files via the EQuIS Blobber Form in EQuIS Professional or the Explorer widget in EQuIS Enterprise.



Analytical Results II - Statistics

oConfidence levels are reported at 95%, 97.5%, and 99.5% in the Confidence_90%, Confidence_95%, and Confidence_99% columns, respectively.

oFor a sample size of less than 10, the variance of S under normal approximation is based on the standard sample variance equation, rather than the EPA-specified method.

Reports with Additional Fields – Including RT_GROUP_MEMBER.CUSTOM_FIELD_1 through CUSTOM_FIELD_5 (added to the Schema in d31727) as Additional Fields will cause the report to fail with the "Invalid column name" message.

Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by Location) – The Mann-Kendall S value may be miscalculated due to alphanumeric date sorting of datasets.



When using the Batch Scheduler in SPM Desktop, the label on the Next button is not centered correctly in some translations.