Collect (22.3)

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Collect (22.3)




Collect – Added Sort Function [d23308]

Added a Sort function that allows use of either "Natural" or "Alphabetical" sorting, as well as defining "ASC", ascending, or "DESC", descending sort order.





Collect – Fixed Templates Assigned to a Nested Facility Group Not Displaying [d23942]

Fixed an issue that caused templates assigned to a nested facility to not be displayed. Templates assigned to any nested facility group level are now displayed when the parent facility group is selected.





Collect COC/COC and eCOC Combined Reports – Fixed Error When Running Report Without SPM Schema Applied to Database [d22084]

Fixed a bug that resulted in an error being thrown when running a COC using both the Collect COC and the Collect COC and eCOC reports from a database without the SPM Schema applied.





Collect COC/COC and eCOC Combined Reports – Fixed Incorrect Pagination [d21254]

Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect pagination if multiple Collect COC reports are being run simultaneously.





Collect eCOC Report – Added New Confirmation in Query [d23734]

Updated the query for selected_at_this_level for Analysis_Group in the eCOC and added a check for contract_id.





Collect Enterprise – Added "Information" Button to Open Relevant Help Articles [d20192]

Added an "Information" button throughout Collect Enterprise, which opens the relevant help documentation when clicked.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Ability to Upload Excel File From All Selector Field Types "Options" Tab [d24216]

Fixed an issue that caused importing an Excel file from the "Options" tab for all Selector field types.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Broken Translations for Supported Languages [d24039]

Fixed a bug that caused supported languages other than English to not be translated.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Dialog Closure After Additional Dialog Opened [d20448]

Fixed a bug that caused dialogs to close if another dialog was opened.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed XSS Vulnerability [d24406]

Fixed a cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerability in the Collect Template Designer.





Collect Enterprise – Improved Security of Endpoints With Regards to Facility Permissions [d24486]

This release improves the security of the Collect Enterprise endpoints with regards to facility permissions.





Collect Enterprise – New Data Form User Group Automatically Updates When Facility Selected [d23341]

Selecting a facility with an associated user group(s) will automatically update the selected user group(s) for the new data form, hiding the user groups that are associated with a different facility.





Collect Field EDD Report – Added Sort Parameter for Setting Display Order of Locations/Samples [d23609]

Added a new "Sort Sample By" parameter to the Collect Field EDD report. The parameter is used to set the sort order of location/sample values, with the default value equal to NULL, which will sort by sys_sample_code.





Collect Field EDD Report – Modified to Run Without SPM Plan Code and Advanced Collect Form Generator Report Functionality [d20132]

Updated the Collect Field EDD report to work without a SPM plan code and filter the SPM task based on the date range assigned. 





Collect Form Generator Report – Modified to Support Facility Groups [d21137]

Updated the Collect Form Generator report to work with facility groups.





Collect Mobile – Added android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT Permission [d23984]

Fixed an issue with Collect Mobile relating to Bluetooth permissions (e.g., Bluetooth loggers) in Android 12 devices.





Collect Mobile and EDGE – Displaying Parameter and Associated Sensor Information for In-Situ Loggers With Power Packs [d21623]

Getting sensor parameter information (e.g., 'Baro-Pressure/Temp' sensor) for In-Situ loggers with power packs (e.g., smarTROLL) in Collect Mobile and EDGE. 





Schema – Collect – Add Auto-Complete Columns [d23309]

Added fields:
ST_COLLECT_FORMS.COMPLETION_DELAY_DAYS Stores how many days the EQuIS Collect form should delay before auto-completing.
  Indicator if auto-complete formula is set up.
  Allows end users to disable auto-complete for a form.
  Evaluates the auto-complete formula and populates this field following a push from the device.