SPM - Populate Result Purpose

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SPM - Populate Result Purpose

Report Name: SPM - Populate Result Purpose (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.197834.dll

Dependencies: Licensed Sample Planning Module (SPM) and SPM Schema

Software: SPM

Source: Available from the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) in the Products > Additional Resources > v7.0 folder

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: In SPM, a specific purpose or code can be set for a contract Method Analyte Group (MAG) CAS_RN in DT_SPM_CONTRACT_MAG_MEMBERS.PURPOSE, see Define Analyte Purpose for SPM. Then when samples are planned in SPM with this contract MAG, the SPM scheduled results, which are listed by CAS_RN, carries it to DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_RESULT.PURPOSE.


When the field sample is taken and tested, the test results are uploaded into DT_RESULT. The Populate Result Purpose report can be ran *as needed (meaning when this Update Results Table feature is used) to copy DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_RESULT.PURPOSE to the matching DT_RESULT.PURPOSE field. Once populated, Analytical Results and other reports can be ran using the DT_RESULT.PURPOSE field.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database. Download the Populate Result Purpose report, unblock the *.zip file and extract the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.197834.dll.

For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary.

For Enterprise usage, this report should be published to the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.

For Professional usage, this report should be published to the database or have the .dll added to the local '.../Earthsoft/EQuIS/' folder.


Warning: This report writes data to the database when executed. Limit user access to the report in Enterprise by granting specific permissions to the report or associated user reports in the Administration Dashboard.


Overview:  The report output is an Excel spreadsheet with three worksheets:

1.The first worksheet is named TARGET_DT_RESULT. This lists the selected DT_RESULT records by CAS_RN that were filtered through its parent DT_SAMPLE with matching SPM_TASK_CODE(s) and within the parameter start and end dates.

2.The second worksheet is named FOUND_DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_RESULT. This lists the selected SPM scheduled results by CAS_RN through its parent DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_ SAMPLE filtered by the selected DT_SAMPLE’s SPM_TASK_CODE  matching the SPM_SCHEDULED_SAMPLE’s SCHEDULED_TASK_CODE.

3.The third worksheet is named TO_BE_UPDATED_DT_RESULT when parameter 'Update Results Table' is set to FALSE and named UPDATED_DT_RESULT when parameter 'Update Results Table' is set to TRUE. The worksheet lists the DT_RESULT records to be updated or were updated by this report displaying the PURPOSE field value.




Report Parameters

Sample Filter

Date Range

SPM Task Code(s)

Select one or more SPM Task Codes in DT_SAMPLE table

Update Results Table

Set to False (by default) if running the report without update,  

else set to True to run the report in update mode. This will change DT_RESULT.PURPOSE and cannot be undone.



1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.