Action Level Exceedance Format I

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Action Level Exceedance Format I

Report Name: Action Level Exceedance Format I (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.67034.dll

Dependencies: Analytical Results II

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1 or PDF


Description: The Action Level Exceedance Format I Report generates a report with or without action level exceedances. Its row headers are Constituent, action levels and units. Its column headers are Location ID, Sample Date, Sample Time, Sampled Interval, Sample ID, Laboratory and Lab Number. It can report up to a maximum of three action level codes (up to six action level codes can be included, but formatting of exceedances will only be applied to the first three). The units of action levels can be used as final units of the report. Checking results against summed action levels can be done in the report. It is a class report, based on the Analytical Results II Report.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



The report lists RT_SAMPLE_TYPE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE if Location ID SYS_LOC_CODE is not found.


A sample START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH can be replaced by DT_WELL_SEGMENT.START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH if the sample START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH is not available. In this case, the hidden input parameter plays a role, which is that the DT_SAMPLE.MATRIX_CODE and also DT_WELL_SEGMENT.SEGMENT_TYPE are required to be "SCREEN."


Formats and Rules for Doing Summed Action Levels


1.A result is formatted bold if it violates one action level, bold+italic if it violates two action levels and bold+italic+underline if it violates three action levels.

2.If all results (including exceedances) are desired, summed values should show with any non-detects being treated as zero values in the summation math.

3.If all results are non-detects, the reporting limits should be summed, and the report will display "<" & "summed reporting limits".


Report Parameters *


Parameter section for selecting individual locations, location groups and whether to use DT_GEOGRAPHY for coordinates.


Section for selecting sample related parameters.


Section for selecting test related parameters.


Section for selecting result related parameters.


Section for adding up to 3 header lines of text.


Section for adding up to 2 footer lines of text.


Section for adding up to 5 note lines of text.

Output Type

Output type parameter: xls, xlsx, pdf


True | False parameter for including a watermark

Action Level

Action Level(s)

Select up to three action levels (up to six action level codes can be included but formatting of exceedances will only be applied to the first three).

Enter a multiplier for all action level limits

Multiplier for action levels. Default value is 1.

Display exceedances Only

True | False parameter for only displaying exceedances.

Use action level units

True | False parameter for using action level units.


Comparison operator

Select an operator: <, <=, >, >=

Limit summed action levels

True | False parameter to limit summed action levels.

Use non-detects

True | False parameter to use non-detects

Columns per page for pdf

Parameter for setting column limit for pdf files

Rows per page for pdf

Parameter for setting row limit for pdf files


* This report contains hidden parameters that could affect the output of the report.


Consult an EQuIS administrator if these parameters should be visible or use different default values in a published report (a report that allows saving of user reports). These paramaters cannot be viewed or changed in unpublished reports outside of a report parameter file.



Data Mapping





Location ID:


Sample Date:


Sample Time:

Sampled Interval:


DT_WELL_SEGMENT.END_DEPTH with segement_type='SCREEN' and matrix_code='GW' + DT_SAMPLE.DEPTH_UNIT or


Sample ID:



RT_COMPANY.CUSTOM_FIELD_1 with company_code=DT_TEST.LAB_NAME_CODE and company_type='LAB'

Lab. Number:


Column header is ordered by Location ID, Sample Date, Start Depth, Sample Time





Example 1


The steps below are an example of preparing data to do summed action levels with select individual analytes.


1.Create a method_analyte_group_code = 'sumAnalytesIndiv' without populating group_type. Add the analytes to be summed for checking a summed action level.

2.Create a summed action level in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER, e.g. param_code='sumAnalytesIndiv' in the action level code to be used in the report and populate DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER.REMARK with sum_al, and populate action level values and unit.

3.Select individual analytes and no analyte groups, and select the action level code which has the summed action level, e.g. 'sumAnalytesIndiv'.

4.Check the "Action Level\List summed action levels" box.


Example 2


The steps below are an example of preparing data to do summed action levels with select analyte groups.


1.Create a method_analyte_group_code, e.g. 'sumAnalytes' and populate group_type with the method_analyte_group_code (e.g. antimony_sodium) with which sumAnalytes is associated. Add the analytes to be summed for checking a summed action level; the analytes must be the members of the associated method_analyte_group_code (e.g. antimony_sodium).

2.Create a summed action level in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER, e.g. param_code='sumAnalytes' in the action level code (e.g. A_test) to be used in the report and populate DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER.remark with sum_al, and populate action level values and unit.

3.Select analyte groups, and select the action level code (e.g. A_test) which has the  summed action level, e.g. 'sumAnalytes'.

4.Check the "Action Level\List summed action levels".

5.Populate RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY or RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC if duplicated results occur due to different analytic_methods (Note that the duplicates may occur because analytic_method is not in the column headers). When a duplicated result occurs, the report first checks if it belongs to a specific group that requires RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY or RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC to be populated with the group name that the results belong to. For example, if the RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY (e.g. VOCS) of a result is equal to RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP.METHOD_ANALYTE_GROUP_CODE (e.g. VOCS), the result only belongs to the VOCS group. It Is obvious that the report uses RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY or RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC to prevent adding duplicated results of different analyte groups together when calculating a summed result.


If RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY exists in the database, it either needs to be empty or it needs to be populated with a valid Method Analyte Group (MAG) name for this report to function. RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY will only exist in the database if the ADR schema has been applied. If RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY does not exist in the database, RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC can be used to replace it where RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_CODE=ANALYTIC_METHOD and RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_TYPE='analytic_method_category'.



1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.