Install ArcMap in Professional

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Install ArcMap in Professional

To run EQuIS for ArcGIS, both EQuIS Professional and ESRI's ArcGIS are required to be installed locally. The EQuIS for ArcGIS extension is required as the interface between the two installations and will enable the EQuIS for ArcGIS toolbar to be visible in ArcGIS. The EQuIS for ArcGIS extension requires a Premier Graphics license library from EarthSoft. EQuIS Professional 7 requires ArcGIS Version 10.x.


ArcGIS should be installed locally, prior to installing EQuIS Professional. If it was installed after EQuIS Professional, then EQuIS Professional may need to be uninstalled and then reinstalled. Get the the latest EQuIS Professional installation from the EarthSoft Community Center if required. ArcGIS is located at C:\Program Files(x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop[ArcGIS version].


The EQuIS Professional Installer now supports direct compatibility with ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop Versions 10, 10.1, and 10.2. Run the Professional installer in administrator mode, as the interface is automatically registered after the installation of the installer is completed. To install EQuIS Professional with proper administrator rights, run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator (right-click, Run as Administrator). The batch file will be run automatically at the end of the installation. There is no longer an option to select the ArcGIS version in the Professional Setup Wizard.


In the event that the Professional installation was not Run as Administrator, register the interface by running the EarthSoft.Interfaces.ArcGIS.Desktop.bat included in the installation directory as an administrator. This file is located by default at C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS or, for per-user installation, %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS\.