Exceedances by Facility Report

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Exceedances by Facility Report

Report Name: Exceedances by Facility

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll* and EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d39109

Dependencies: Licensed SPM and SPM Schema

Software: SPM

Source: SPM install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


*Note: This report was previously part of the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll file. Previously published reports that have 48827 in the filename will still be accessible within EQuIS Professional; however, they will have [Outdated] appended to the filename to differentiate between each location.


Description: The Exceedances by Facility report contains two output sections:

1.Number of Samples With Exceedances

2.Number of Incidents


The Number of Samples With Exceedances section contains the numbers of samples within the specified date range that exceed and do not exceed the selected Action Level(s). The numbers represent counts of unique DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_ID values for those DT_SAMPLE records with child records in DT_TEST and DT_RESULT. The section also contains a pie chart comparing the two counts.


The Number of Incidents section represents the count of unique values in DT_RESULT.CUSTOM_FIELD_2 for any results with parent DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_DATE falling inside the specified date range. One application of this feature would be to store references to an external incident management system in DT_RESULT.CUSTOM_FIELD_2.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database.

For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary.

For Enterprise usage, this report should be published to the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.

For Professional usage, this report should be published to the database or have the .dll added to the local '.../Earthsoft/EQuIS/' folder.






Report Parameters


Parameter for selecting the facility

Date Range


Select a start date.


Select an end date.

Action Level(s)

Parameter for selecting action level(s).


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.