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EQuIS Information Agent (EIA) Properties
When setting up EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs), there are some configurable options during (web/email) Notice Configuration. The Attachment, Subject, and Message sections may contain replacement tags that will be replaced with the run time values.
Tag |
Definition |
{Message} |
Original message template |
{Attachment} |
Attachment name |
{dataSubmitter} |
In the "To" (recipient) field of a New Data EIA will send the EIA to the data Submitter |
Tag |
Definition |
{ReportInfo.AssemblyName} |
Base Report Assembly Name |
{ReportName} |
Base Report Display Name |
{ReportInfo.DisplayName} |
Base Report Display Name |
{ReportInfo.Id} |
Base Report ID |
{ReportInfo.Name} |
Base report Name |
{ReportInfo.ObjectName} |
Base Report Object Name |
{ReportInfo.ReportType} |
Base Report Report Type |
Tag |
Definition |
{Parameters} |
A ';' delimited list of parameter name and value pairs for all report parameters. Alternatively, individual parameter values may be referenced by name. For example {Parameters.sys_loc_code} will be replaced with the value of the parameter @sys_loc_code. Any substitution tags of the form {Parameters.item} will be removed if that parameter is not found in the report. |
For reports that produce tabular data (e.g., IGridReport, RDL), tags may be included that will be replaced with data from the report output table. Even though the report output itself is attached to the email, it may be useful to have the email subject or body include data from the report output. To include data from the report output, use a tag of {DataTable.column_name}, where column_name (all uppercase or all lowercase, not mixed case) is the name of a column in the report output. If the column_name used in the tag is not a valid column name, the tag will not be replaced (the tag itself will remain in the notice). If the column_name is a valid column name, the tag will be replaced by a comma-separated list of all unique values found in that column. A null value will be represented in the list as "(null)".
For example, the following tags may be used as indicated:
Tag |
Definition |
{DataTable.sys_loc_code} |
A list of all unique SYS_LOC_CODE values in the report output table |
{DataTable.sample_date} |
A list of all unique SAMPLE_DATE values in the report output table |
{DataTable.matrix_code} |
A list of all unique MATRIX_CODE values in the report output table |
Note: The DataTable tag is case sensitive and must be entered as-is. However, column names in this tag can be either all uppercase, or all lowercase, not mixed case. For example: •All Uppercase Column names – {DataTable.FACILITY CODE}, {DataTable.LAB CODE}, {DataTable.SDG}, etc. •All Lowercase Column names – {DataTable.facility code}, {DataTable.lab code}, {DataTable.sdg}, etc. |
Tag |
Definition |
{PickReportName} |
User Report Name |
{UserReportInfo.FacilityId} |
User Report Facility ID |
{UserReportInfo.Name} |
User Report Name |
{UserReportInfo.ReportId} |
User Report Report ID |
{UserReportInfo.UserId} |
User Report Owner's User ID |
{UserReportInfo.UserReportId} |
User Report User Report ID |
EQuIS Information Agent (EIA) Properties
Tag |
Definition |
{AgentName} |
EQuIS Information Agent Name |
{ReportEventInfo.Name} |
EQuIS Information Agent Name |
{ReportEventInfo.OutputType} |
EQuIS Information Agent Output Type |
{ReportEventInfo.EventType} |
EQuIS Information Agent Event Type |
{ReportEventInfo.EventTypeDesc} |
EQuIS Information Agent Event Type Desc |
{ReportEventInfo.FormatName} |
EQuIS Information Agent Format Name |
{ReportEventInfo.ReportEventId} |
EQuIS Information Agent Report Event ID |
{ReportEventInfo.UserId} |
EQuIS Information Agent Owner's User ID |
{ReportEventInfo.UserReportId} |
EQuIS Information Agent User Report ID |
{ReportEventInfo.WaitingReportId} |
EQuIS Information Agent Waiting Report ID |
{DateTime} |
Date and time that the report was completed in the server's local timezone |
{DateTimeUTC} |
Date and time that the report was completed in UTC timezone |
Note: For scheduled and EDD agents, the UserReportId is the ID of the user report run. For Trigger agents, it is the trigger report's UserReportId and WaitingReportId is the ID of the user report run. |
Tag |
Definition |
{FacilityCode} |
Facility Code |
{FacilityName} |
Facility Name |
{FacilityCity} |
Facility City |
{FacilityClient} |
Facility Client |
{FacilityCountry} |
Facility Country |
{FacilityCounty} |
Facility County |
{FacilityPhoneNumber} |
Facility Phone Number |
{FacilityPostalCode} |
Facility Postal Code |
{FacilityProjectManager} |
Facility Project Manager |
{FacilityState} |
Facility State |
{FacilityAddress} |
Facility Address |
Tag |
Definition |
{Connection.Database} |
Name of the EQuIS database |
{Connection.Edition} |
Edition of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) hosting the EQuIS database |
{Connection.Server} |
Name of the server hosting the EQuIS database |
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 28 Apr 2023