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This is a Check for Dissolved concentrations that are greater than Total concentrations.
Check name is EarthSoft.DQM.DissolvedVsTotal = Dissolved Vs Total
Twelve parameters are available for this check. None of these parameters allow for input of analyte-specific or method-specific PARAM_VALUEs.
1.Multiplier – Multiplier used with detection limit in the RPD check to test for results > multiplier * detection limit. Defaults to five (5).
2.AD_multiplier_CL – Upper Control Limit Multiplier used with detection limit in the absolute difference check to test for results > AD_multiplier_CL * detection limit. Defaults to 1.
3.AD_multiplier_DL – Multiplier used non-detect results = AD_multiplier_DL * detection limit . Defaults to 1.
4.AD_multiplier_UCO – Upper Cutoff Multiplier used with detection limit in the absolute difference rule to test for results > AD_multiplier_UCO * detection limit. Defaults to zero (0).
Note: Upper Cutoff check is skipped if the parameter value is zero (0).
5.RPD_CL – The Upper Control Limit for the RPD check to test for RPD > RPD_CL. Defaults to zero (0).
6.RPD_UCO – The Upper Cutoff for the RPD check to test for RPD > RPD_UCO. Defaults to 0.
Note: Upper Cutoff check is skipped if the parameter value is zero (0).
7.detection_limit – The detection limit column to use first. Defaults to "reporting_detection_limit".
8.dissolved_fraction – The fraction(s) of dissolved results. Defaults to "D".
9.total_fraction – The fraction(s) of total results. Defaults to "T".
10.sample_types – Which SAMPLE_TYPE to use. Defaults to "N".
11.result_types – Which RESULT_TYPE to use. Defaults to "TRG".
12.analytic_methods – Which ANALYTIC_METHOD to include in the comparison. Defaults to "include_all".
Note: Default parameter values listed above refer to the value provided in the DQM Starter QAPP.xlsx. |
For all rules, the Dissolved Result was greater than the Total Result. The first two rules apply to results that that satisfy this statement:
If the result is less than the multiplier * detection limit, then the last two rules will be used.
•DIS > TOT & RPD > CL – The relative percent difference (RPD) between the results was higher than the upper control limit (RPD_CL).
•DIS > TOT & RPD > UCO - The relative percent difference (RPD) between the results was higher than the upper cutoff (RPD_UCO).
•DIS > TOT & ABS DIFF > AD_MULTIPLIER_CL * DL – The absolute difference was greater than the upper control limit AD_Multiplier_CL * Detection Limit.
•DIS > TOT & ABS DIFF > AD_MULT_UCO * DL - The absolute difference was greater than the upper cutoff AD_Multiplier_UCO * Detection Limit.
Review results with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE = sample_types, DT_RESULT.RESULT_TYPE_CODE = result_types, and DT_TEST.FRACTION = dissolved_fraction.
Find the total sample using equal DT_SAMPLE.SYS_SAMPLE_CODE, DT_RESULT.CAS_RN, DT_TEST.ANALYTIC_METHOD and DT_TEST.FRACTION = total_fraction .
TEST #1:
If DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC for the Dissolved fraction > DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC for the Total fraction, then proceed with Test 2 and 3. If not, then the check stops on that sample.
TEST #2:
•If TRUE, then calculate rpd
•If rpd is not 0 and rpd > rpd_uco, then qualify the results.
•Else if rpd > rpd_cl, then qualify the results.
TEST #3 (if TEST #2 = FALSE):
ABS_DIFF = absolute difference in the dissolved and total concentrations = ABS(dissolved - total).
Detection_Limit = detection limit if it is not null, otherwise the value in the first column that is not NULL:
•If the ABS_DIFF > AD_multiplier_UCO * Detection_Limit, then qualify the results.
•Else if the ABS_DIFF > AD_multiplier_CL * Detection_Limit, then qualify the results.
oWhere detect_flag = N, the Detection Limit multiplied for the AD_MULTIPLIER_DL is used as the value for the concentration of the non-detected result.
rpd = 100 * ABS_DIFF / (0.5 * (DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC + DT_RESULT.RESULT_NUMERIC from Total Result)).
In the Errors tab of the DQM Event Review Form, these errors may be listed:
1."One of the required rules for this check is not present in the RT_DQM_RULE table."
If you receive this error, the QAPP can be updated following the How to Update Existing QAPPs documentation page.
2.Example: "The Detection Limit is Not Numeric."
For Laboratory Duplicates, missing the following data will result in errors:
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 19 Nov 2024