Conditional Checks on Field Samples Section

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Conditional Checks on Field Samples Section

Conditional Checks


There are a number of conditional checks on the EDGE format that are activated Active when FieldSample_warning enumeration is set to "Y" in the Configuration Plugin Tool.


Check 1


Confirm that the dt_sample.sample_end_date in the database for sys_loc_code equals the FieldSample_v1.sample_start_date. In practical terms, the user needs to make sure that the start_date of the currently collected sample matches the end_date of the previously collected sample. When an EDD is submitted through EDP, EDP searches all samples at the same location to find the latest sample_end_date within the database.  If the latest sample_end_date equals the earliest/first sample in the EDD, then no warning is shown. If not, EDP shows a warning.




Example of work flow:


Create first time samples for selected locations, save EDD

Push EDD through EDP

Back to EDGE

Create second time samples, MATCH the start date with the end date of the latest sample, save EDD

Push EDD through EDP and check messages




Note that the sample start date should match the latest sample end date.  If it does not, a warning message will appear.


Check 2


Warning on sys_sample_code if record already exists in the database.


Example of work flow:


Create first time samples for selected locations, save EDD

Push EDD through EDP

Back to EDGE

Create samples with existing sys_sample_codes, previously submitted to database, save EDD

Push EDD through EDP and check messages


sys_sample_code already existent in database

sys_sample_code already existent in database


Check 3


Throw Warning if FieldSample_v1.remark is not null


Warning if FieldSample_v1.remark is not null

Warning if FieldSample_v1.remark is not null


For comment [Remark] field, if it is not null it shows an EDP warning.