COC Setup Sheet

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COC Setup Sheet

The Setup sheet in the COC_Template file in EDGE can be used to change settings, set values and/or build a custom Chain of Custody (COC) template. This does not require editing VBA code or macros in Excel.




The top portion of the Setup worksheet is dedicated to general settings for the COC.


Save as PDF (Y/N)?

The Excel COC will immediately produce a PDF copy when opened.


Decides what character denotes a comment row in the background data tables that build the COC. Note: For best results, ensure that the CommentIndicator value used matches those used in EDGE Field EDD exports (set in ST_CONFIG) and in the EDP Options of EDGE

Fill Preserve and Filter on COC Page

Places the filtration status and preservative for each Method Analyte Group (MAG) on the COC

Date Format

Decides the format for all date fields on the COC

Force "X" instead of Container numbers?

Counts of container numbers will not be shown in the Analysis grid

Show Analytic Methods?

Shows an Analytic Method in parentheses next to the Method Analyte Group (MAG) name

Print Container sheet?

Decides whether the Containers_Info sheet will be included when using the Print COC button on the COC main page

Print Barcode sheet?

Decides whether to print the QRCode sheet when using the Print COC button




Choose which data fields get placed in specific cells on the "COC (Pg 1)" sheet by entering a cell name in the Value column. The data fields available are generally organized as follows:

General Section

Header and Footer

oCOC Info







For example, to place the COC's name near the top of the printed COC, enter "B3" in the Value column under COC Info > chain_of_custody.

