String or Binary Data Truncated

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String or Binary Data Truncated

Affected Software/Reports/DLL(s): EQuIS Professional Reports


Affected Software Version: N/A


Symptoms: The following error can occur when running a report in EQuIS Professional.


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.

at EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection.ExecuteFunction(String functionName, IDataParameterCollection parameters)

at EarthSoft.Common.Reports.FunctionReport.Execute() at EarthSoft.Common.Reports.FunctionReport.Execute(Int32 facilityId)

at EarthSoft.Reports.ReportGrid.backgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)


Cause/Details: This error may be caused by a customized EQuIS Schema or a customized report.


The error can occur if either field length or field data type in the custom database schema or custom report has been changed.


Resolution/Workaround: Check to confirm that the field lengths for the input and output parameters of a report match the data type and length of those in the database.