REST API (24.3)

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REST API (24.3)





REST API – New GET api/collect/settings Collect Endpoint [d41512]

Added a new Collect API endpoint (GET api/collect/settings) that gets a subset of Collect ST_CONFIG table settings (e.g., TimeZoneHandling).





REST API – DELETE api/eia/{reportEventId} Removes ST_HOOK Records [d41934]

Deleting EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs) will now delete associated webhook data if present.





REST API – EIA Deletion Endpoint Now Runs as a Single SQL Transaction to Allow Multi-delete [d41380]

Updated the REST API EIA deletion endpoint to reduce unexpected errors and improve its efficiency. 





REST API – Enhanced Security [d41484]

Enhanced security of the EQuIS REST API.





REST API – Enhanced Security [d41381]

Updated REST API with enhanced security for Facility endpoints.





REST API – Enhanced Usability [d41418]

Updated REST API with enhanced usability for the ChangePassword and UpdateUser endpoints.





REST API – Facilities Endpoints No Longer Return Rounded Values for streamMile, depthToBedrock, and totalDepth [d41675]

Improved Facilities endpoints so that Location data for streamMile, depthToBedrock, and totalDepth no longer lose significant digits after the decimal before being displayed.





REST API – File Deletion from Group Now Deletes Group Entry [d41592]

Updated the DELETE api/file endpoint to respect RT_GROUP permissions.





REST API – Get Report with Data Now Performs Consistently [d41474]

Improved the reliability of GET /api/reports/{reportId}/data.





REST API – Improved GET /api/reports Endpoint Feedback when Making Requests Without Sufficient Permissions [d41575]

GET /api/reports/{reportId}/parameters now returns 403 Forbidden instead of 403 Unauthorized when user lacks sufficient permissions.





REST API – New POST api/facilities/{facilityId}/tasks/{taskCode} Endpoint [d41712]

Created a new REST API endpoint that inserts a set of new DT_TASK_PARAMETER records for the given FACILITY_ID and TASK_CODE.





REST API – OData Endpoints Not Working when First Request Is to $batch Endpoints after Restart [d42337]

Fixed an issue where the REST API OData endpoints were not working after Enterprise was restarted and the first REST API request was to the POST api/odata/$batch endpoint.





REST API – POST /api/eia Returned a 201 Created Response Even when ST_HOOK Record Did Not Get Inserted [d41972]

Fixed issue with EIA endpoint creation by improving the accuracy of the /api/eia endpoint feedback.





REST API – Remove Deprecated Endpoints in 7.24.3 [d41304]

The following EQuIS REST API endpoints were deprecated as of the 7.21.1 Build and were removed in the 7.24.3 Build:
  • GET api/download/edd/{jobId} is deprecated. Use GET api/edp/{jobId}/content instead.
  • GET api/eia/agents is deprecated. Use GET api/eia instead.
  • GET api/notices/{noticeId}/attachments is deprecated. Use GET api/notices/{noticeId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/content instead.
  • POST api/users/register is deprecated. Use POST api/users instead.