EnviroInsite (24.3)

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EnviroInsite (24.3)





EnviroInsite – Added Example Boring Log Templates to Installation Packages [d42308]

Added the following example templates, which do not rely on the Geotech Schema, into the EnviroInsite and EnviroInsite Enterprise installation packages:
  • EarthSoft_Enviro_Well.xml
  • EarthSoft_FullWellDiagram.xml
  • EarthSoft_BoringLog.xml





EnviroInsite – Added Support for Kentucky Single Zone Coordinate System [d41654]

Added support for the Kentucky Single Zone State Plane (feet) coordinate system using SRID 3089 or SRID 103289.





EnviroInsite – Fixed Coordinate Issue with CAD File Exports [d41819]

Fixed a bug that caused coordinate data to be incorrect when EnviroInsite files were exported as CAD files.





EnviroInsite – Fixed Error When Browse Button Clicked [d42420]

Fixed a bug when the Browse button was clicked that resulted in selected data to not be displayed when attempting to plot a stratigraphy model. Also fixed browsing selected data or previewing the data summary for the following forms:
  • Borings
  • 3d Stratigraphy
  • Contour Stratigraphy
  • Post Stratigraphy
  • Post Contact Elevations
  • Classed Post





EnviroInsite – Improved Plotting Performance of DXF Graphics [d41498]

Improved plotting performance of DXF hatch patterns within EnviroInsite boring logs and subsurface profiles.





EnviroInsite – Removed Templates from Installation Packages [d41571]

Removed the following example templates, which rely on the Geotech Schema, from the EnviroInsite installation package, the EnviroInsite_Enterprise installation package, and Professional installation package:
  • BoringLog_DrillingTemplate
  • BoringLog_SimpleTemplate
  • BoringLog_Template
  • EIBoringLogTemplate
  • WellConstruction_BoxedHeaderTemplate
  • WellConstruction_ESA_PaperSize-A4_Template
  • WellConstruction_SimpleTemplate2
  • WellConstruction_Template1
  • WellConstruction_Template2
  • WellConstruction_wLegendTemplate
The example template files will be includes as part of the EQuIS Geotech installation package.





EnviroInsite Analyte Concentration Map Report – Fixed SVG Export [d41966]

Fixed a bug in the EnviroInsite Analyte Concentration Map Report that caused the legend to be cutoff and contour outlines to cover the contours when exporting to SVG for the following map sources:
  • Azure Maps Imagery
  • ArcGIS Aerial Photo
  • ArcGIS Map
  • ArcGIS Topo





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Duplicate Dashboard Created on Deployment [d42374]

Fixed an issue where multiple EnviroInsite Boring Log dashboards were created on deployment instead of overwriting or updating an existing dashboard.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – EnviroInsite Freezes when Running Templates in Specific Data Scenarios [d40506]

Fixed an issue plotting EnviroInsite Boring Logs where the program would freeze and become unresponsive under certain data scenarios.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – EnviroInsite Function Columns Added as Dropdown Option in Column Display Tab [d42386]

Fixed a bug where EnviroInsite function columns were not listed in the "Fill page column" dropdown of the Column Display tab in the Log Plotter Options dialog box.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Fixed "ei_depth_log_page" Setting [d41607]

Fixed a bug that caused the default "Depth Per Page" value to take precedence over the location specific parameter value, which did not follow the expected selection priority.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Fixed Incorrect Outputs [d41700]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite Boring Logs where depth units were occasionally set incorrectly, which caused an incorrect number of pages to be produced in the output.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Fixed Text Plotting Issues [d41531]

Fixed a bug in EnviroInsite Boring Logs, when the Plot Remarks option was selected, that caused zero-thickness interval remarks to be plotted multiple times and outside of the page bounds. Also fixed an issue that caused the Termination Text not to be plotted when the last interval in the boring log was a zero-thickness interval.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Improved Plotting Performance [d41208]

Improved plotting performance of EnviroInsite boring logs, including for complex boring logs that reference functions.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Removed Requirement for X_COORD and Y_COORD Values When Plotting [d41454]

Removed the requirement that DT_COORDINATE.X_COORD and DT_COORDINATE.Y_COORD be populated for Downhole Point Data and Downhole Interval Data to be plotted in boring logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Swapped Width and X Location Settings in Function Data Format Tab [d42446]

Fixed a bug in EnviroInsite Boring Logs where functionality for the Width and X settings were swapped in the Function Data Format Tab.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Enable Exported PDF Text to Be Selectable/Searchable [d42177]

Updated PDF exports in EnviroInsite and the following EnviroInsite reports in Professional and Enterprise to be selectable and searchable.
  • Boring Logs II
  • Subsurface Profile





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Fixed Error When Loading Template With Embedded Image [d42410]

Fixed a bug by updating Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles to only allow supported image types to be inserted in the design window.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Fixed Plot Remarks [d42677]

Fixed issues that caused Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles to plot Lithology remarks at the wrong depth and the Plot Remark checkbox setting to not be respected.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Hatch Pattern Backgrounds Can Be Transparent [d42303]

Hatch pattern backgrounds for downhole interval data can now be set to transparent in EnviroInsite Boring Logs and Subsurface Profiles. This allows hatch patterns to overlay other columns in the boring log.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Improved Template Designer Image Editing [d41708]

Updated the Boring Log/Subsurface Profile Template Designer to allow editing of images saved with either new or existing boring log templates. Also, the image file path is no longer stored in the boring log or subsurface profile templates.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Option to Wrap Text for Header/Footer Fields [d41926]

Added Box Width and Line Spacing options to allow text wrapping of standard EI Header/Footer fields for Boring Log and Subsurface Profiles.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs / Subsurface Profiles – Removed Requirement for LOC_TYPE to Plot DOWNHOLE_POINT_DATA in Boring Logs [d42325]

Removed the requirement for DT_LOCATION.LOC_TYPE to plot DOWNHOLE_POINT_DATA in Boring Logs and Subsurface Profile.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs II / Subsurface Profile Reports – Fixed Incorrect Time Values [d41427]

Fixed a bug that caused incorrect time stamps, taken from date fields, to be rendered on the header and/or footer sections of the Boring Logs II and Subsurface Profile reports.





EnviroInsite Piper Diagram and Piper Diagram Reports/Forms – Updated to Use CAS_RN Instead of CHEMICAL_NAME [d41929]

Updated the EnviroInsite Piper Diagram, Piper Diagram report, and Piper Diagram form to include the CAS_RN in the parameter selections. 





EnviroInsite Reports – Update Reports to Check for EnviroInsite License in Enterprise [d42032]

Most EnviroInsite reports will now require a database EnviroInsite license to run/download successfully on Enterprise.





EnviroInsite Stiff Diagram and Stiff Diagram Report/Forms – Updated to Use CAS_RN Instead of CHEMICAL_NAME [d42225]

Updated the EnviroInsite Stiff Diagram, Stiff Diagram report, and Stiff Diagram form to include the CAS_RN in the parameter selections.





EnviroInsite Subsurface Profile Report – Added Support for CAD Exports [d41813]

Added support for exporting Subsurface Profile Report outputs as Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files for use in computer-aided design (CAD) programs.