EnviroInsite (22.3)

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EnviroInsite (22.3)





EnviroInsite – Remove EQuIS Field Tab in Text Boxes if Not Associated with Boring Log [d23945]

Fixed an issue where the "EQuIS Field" tab for boring logs was being inappropriately displayed in Text dialog boxes that did not require selection of an EQuIS field and was thus preventing text modifications.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Center Function Text [d20363]

Updated EnviroInsite Boring Log functions so that every line of text is centered when generating multiple lines of text and 'Center' is selected in the text options.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Center Hatch Pattern Cropping [d21516]

Updated the EnviroInsite Boring Log Designer to crop hatch pattern graphics from the center of the image if the image scale is greater than 1. For example, 50% of the graphic (25% from the left and 25% from the right) would be cropped with a scale value of 2.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Color Parameter in SQL Functions [d22394]

Updated the EnviroInsite Boring Log SQL functions to accept an optional color parameter to set the background color for intervals.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Depth per Page Option [d19072]

Added a new EnviroInsite boring log setting to assign depth per page. The depth per page on an EnviroInsite boring log can be dynamic and controlled through parameter configuration in EQuIS reference and data tables. The configuration option affects how a boring log is created at runtime within EnviroInsite as well as within EQuIS Enterprise or EQuIS Professional when running an EnviroInsite Boring Log report. The parameter configuration (PARAM_CODE) allow users to determine how a boring log is produced depending on the task or location.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Downhole Elevation is Conditionally Based on Project Setup [d22918]

Modified the behavior of "Post bottom elevation" for Boring Logs in EnviroInsite. The display of elevation data on an EnviroInsite boring log can be dynamic and controlled through parameter configurations in EQuIS reference and data tables. The configuration option affects how a boring log is created at runtime within EnviroInsite as well as within EQuIS Enterprise or EQuIS Professional when running an EnviroInsite Boring Log report. The parameter configuration (PARAM_CODE) allow users to determine how a boring log is produced depending on the task.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Fix Issue with Vertical Alignment [d21373]

Fixed an issue that occurred when selecting 'center' for vertical alignment in EnviroInsite boring logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Fix Plotting of Bottom Depth [d18438]

Fixed issue where EnviroInsite boring log bottom depths were misaligned under certain conditions.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Hatch Scale Not Defaulting to 1 [d20170]

Updated hatch scales for new material names to default to 1 in EnviroInsite boring logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Header/Footer SQL Functions [d19793]

Added an option to EnviroInsite boring logs to plot header/footer data from SQL scalar functions.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Incorrect Units [d23787]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where boring logs would default to feet when database units were set to meters.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Incorrect Well Construction Metric Units [d24461]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where well construction boring logs were not plotted correctly when using metric units.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Metric Units for Axes [d22959]

Fixed an issue in EnviroInsite where the intervals on boring log axes were not correctly converted to metric units.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Plasticity Index Calculation [d20021]

Fixed a bug in the plasticity index calculation for EnviroInsite boring logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Post Bottom Elevation Not Respecting User Selection [d19984]

Fixed a bug in EnviroInsite boring log function columns that caused elevation display settings to toggle improperly.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Some Header Fields Only Print on First Page [d19896]

Fixed an issue where headers in an EnviroInsite boring log title block did not draw beyond the first page.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Support for Graphic Functions in Columns [d18991]

EnviroInsite boring log SQL functions now support custom graphics in the boring log columns.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Support for Graphic Functions in Header [d22395]

EnviroInsite boring log SQL functions now support graphic data to be passed in the boring log headers.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Update Draft Watermark [d18831]

Improved the "Draft" watermark feature in EnviroInsite boring logs so that it can always be manually edited in the Boring Log Design window options.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Updates to Object Insert Restrictions [d19899]

Adjusted restrictions for certain EnviroInsite boring log shape/text inserts to allow more flexible object placement.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs – Vertical Alignment Options [d23066]

Added an option to set vertical alignment to Sample Interval and Downhole Point Data in EnviroInsite Boring Logs.





New EnviroInsite Boring Logs II Report [d18450]

An EnviroInsite Boring Logs II report has been created based on the EnviroInsite Boring Logs report. The new report will run for all locations (for the selected TASK_CODE) if no locations (SYS_LOC_CODEs) are selected. If a TASK_CODE is not selected, the report will automatically attempt to select a TASK_CODE based on the locations in the report output.