EDGE (22.2)

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EDGE (22.2)



EDGE – Fixed Broken COC Template When Copied [d20444]

Updated a third party library to fix a bug that caused copied COC templates to be unusable.





EDGE – Fixed EDGE Freezing When Changing Formats [d20437]

Fixed a bug that occurred while attempting to change formats in EDGE, resulting in EDGE freezing and needing to be terminated via the Windows Task Manager.





EDGE – Fixed Error When Removing Subsequent COC Records [d19624]

Fixed a bug that resulted in an error when attempting to remove COC record(s) multiple times.





EDGE – Warning Displayed if Save Autofill Values is Turned Off [d20441]

Displaying a warning if the "Save Autofill values" option is set to FALSE in EDGE options. The "Save Autofill values" option is set to TRUE by default.





EDGE Format – Fixed Discrepancy Between EQUIPMENT_V1 and EQUIPMENT_LOCATION Key Fields [d21350]

Fixed a bug in the EDGE format by updating EQUIPMENT_CODE, SYS_LOC_CODE, and START_DATE in the EQUIPMENT_LOCATION table to be key fields.





EDGE Format – Fixed Lithology_v1 Table Issues [d20439]

Fixed two issues in the EDGE format's Lithology_v1 table. The end_depth field is now marked as a required field and the tooltip displays correctly.