DQM (7.21.3)

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DQM (7.21.3)






DQM - In Process Events - Form Redesign [d10679]

The DQM In Process Events Form has been updated to reflect the current EQuIS Professional design.





DQM - New Dissolved Vs Total Check [d10860]

A new DQM check Dissolved Vs Total has been added as a standard check to DQM. The new check flags any Dissolved result that is greater than the Total result for the same CAS_RN and SYS_SAMPLE_CODE.

We recommend that the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.63867.dll be republished following these instructions: https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/pro_report-publisher.htm?zoom_highlightsub=republishSee the Dissolved Vs Total Check article for more detail: https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/pro_dissolved-vs-total-check.htm.





DQM - RPD (Field and Lab Dup) Checks - Updates for Handling Non-Detects and Remark Fix [d12053]

Two rules have been replaced in the Relative Percent Difference and the Field Duplicate RPD checks to provide options for evaluating not-detected results: an additional parameter AD_Multiplier_DL was added to both checks, and report_type_code was added to the Field Duplicate RPD check to prevent it from conflicting with other checks.

 - Relative Percent Difference Check: Orig/Dup and Orig/Dup_NON_DETECT have been replaced with LAB DUP RPD > CL and LAB DUP ABS DIFF >DETECTION LIMIT. New parameter AD_Multiplier_DL defaults to 1. https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/pro_dqm-check-for-rpd.htm

 - Field Duplicate RPD Check: FIELD DUPLICATE and FIELD DUPLICATE NON_DETECT have been replaced with FIELD DUP RPD > CL and FIELD DUP ABS DIFF > DETECTION LIMIT. New parameters AD_Multiplier_DL defaults to 1 and result_type_code defaults to TRG. https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/pro_dqm-check-for-rpd-field.htm

Also a bug is fixed that caused the remark field to show the rpd value as reported when it was calculated if compare_to_reported_lab_dup = 'N' and reported_before_calculated_lab_dup = 'N'.





DQM - Add Event Status and Event Notes to DQM Process Event Form [d12212]

New parameters Event Status and Event Note have been added to DQM for saving notes within a DQM event. See "Event Status Tab" section (https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/pro_dqm-processing-data.htm) for more information. If this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.63867.dll) is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it.





DQM - Changes made in "SDG Status" Tab Clearing Data from Fields in DT_SDG [d12455]

Saving changes in the "SDG Status" tab of the DQM "In Process Events" form deleted any populated values from the columns in DT_SDG that are not displayed in the "SDG Status" tab, including any custom columns that may have been added to that table. This bug has been fixed.





DQM - Event Review Form - Vertical Grid Incorrectly Showed Associated Result Details in Certain Scenarios [d12515]

A bug in the DQM Event Review Form on the 'Review Exceptions by Check' tab was causing the right-hand (vertical) grid to show an incorrect reason code and rule for a selected Associated Result, if the sample and analyte had multiple associated exceptions. This has been fixed to show the correct reason code and rule.