Collect (24.2)

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Collect (24.2)





Collect – Fixed Form Summary Report Inability to Parse Large Amounts of Data/Text [d37618]

Fixed a bug that caused the Collect Form Summary report to fail when a record containing a large amount of data or text extended beyond the page boundary of the PDF being generated.





Collect COC/COC and eCOC Reports – Fixed Issue Generating Output [d40487]

Fixed an issue in the Collect - COC Report and Collect - COC and eCOC Report where the reports would fail to generate an output when run as a Mobile Report in Collect and multiple COCs were present for the submitted form.





Collect COC/eCOC/COC and eCOC Reports – Added Support for SPM Data Sources [d38398]

Fixed a bug that prevented our users from viewing COCs generated through SPM in Collect COC, eCOC, and COC and eCOC reports.





Collect Enterprise – Added Options for Managing the Delete Process for Associated Records [d38604]

Added the Related Records field which allows users to choose how records, which are referenced via a Form Lookup field to deleted records, are managed. The Related Records options are Cascade Delete, Remove Reference Only, and Delete Prohibited, which is the default value.





Collect Enterprise – Added Tooltips for Dynamic Selector, Map Plot, and Table Form Fields [d37546]

Added tooltips for the Dynamic Selector, Map Plot, and Table Form field types that provide descriptions of each field on hover.





Collect Enterprise – Edit Attribute(s) for Multiple Fields [d37336]

Added the ability to edit the attributes of multiple fields within a single dialog. 





Collect Enterprise – Enabled Mobile Reports to Adapt to Facility of Data Form [d37332]

Improved Mobile Report functionality to utilize the facility assigned to a data form. This improvement allows users to create a single user report, associated with the template as a Mobile Report, that can be used across all facilities associated with the template and allows increased flexibility when viewing in Collect Mobile.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed "Automatically Push to EDP" Failures for Some Networks [d38730]

Fixed an issue where the "Automatically Push to EDP" functionality did not work for some client sites due to their network configurations.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed a Data Type Issue in Template Designer [d37929]

Fixed an issue so the Template Designer will now work with databases using varchar and nvarchar data types.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Analytics Dashboard [d38860]

Fixed an issue that caused the Collect Analytics page to not display correctly by increasing the number of active users that could be associated with a facility.  





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Data Mapping Not Highlighting or Auto-Scrolling to Current Mapping [d38033]

Fixed an issue in Data Mapping that resulted in the selected mapping not being highlighted or automatically scrolled to.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Missing Help Files After Merging Templates [d38729]

Fixed a bug so help files, which are referenced in the source template, are successfully copied when merging templates.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Modified Report Parameters Behavior [d38004]

Fixed a bug to clear the "Modified User Report" display when changing from a template with modified report parameters to a different template with pre-population.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Multi Select Delimiter Field Visibility [d24505]

Fixed a bug that resulted in the Multi Select Delimiter field not being displayed for Multi Selector or Group Multi Selector field types.





Collect Enterprise – Fixed Service Field Authentication Issue [d39415]

Fixed a bug that caused the "User EQuIS Authentication" option for the Service Field to be set to FALSE when the Service Type was set to "EQuIS Report".





Collect Enterprise – Improved Logger Parameter and Logger Unit Titles Based on Selections [d37845]

Added responsive titles for Logger Parameter and Logger Unit based on the user's selection. The Logger Parameter will use the "{user selected value from the Caption column} Logger Parameter" naming convention and the Logger Unit will use the "{user selected value from the Logger Parameter column} Unit of Measurement" naming convention.





Collect Enterprise – Removed "Display Mode" Option for Boolean Field Type [d39456]

Removed the "Display Mode" option from the Boolean Field Type because the setting has no effect.





Collect Enterprise – Removed Ability for Non-admin Users to Remove Users from User Group [d37559]

Fixed an issue that had allowed users without Administrator permissions the ability to remove users from user groups in Collect Enterprise.





Collect Enterprise – Removed Unnecessary Error Message [d37974]

Removed the error message that was displayed after closing, but not saving, the Edit Template page if the Template Version value was empty.





Collect Field EDD Report – Fixed "Include SPM COCs for Selected Tasks" Parameter [d38008]

Fixed a bug in the Collect Field EDD Report that caused the "Include SPM COCs for Selected Tasks" parameter to not be included in the report export.





Collect Field EDD Report – Fixed Issue Related to Report Parameter Character Length [d27267]

Fixed an issue related to character length that caused the Collect Field EDD Report to throw an error, if the Task Code parameter for scheduled tasks in SPM was greater than 4,000 characters, by removing the character limit for report parameters.





Collect Form Generator Report – Fixed Issue Related to Report Parameter Character Length [d39219]

Fixed an issue related to character length that caused the Collect - Form Generator Report to fail to run, if the User Groups report parameter was greater than 4,000 characters, by removing the character limit for report parameters.





Collect Mobile – Improved Default File Naming Convention for Generated Reports to Use 24-hour Time [d36731]

Improved the default file naming convention for reports generated locally in Collect Mobile. The report naming now follows the 'reportname_yyyy_MM_dd_HHmm.pdf' (e.g., Form_Summary_2024_03_24_1431.pdf) convention with the time displayed using the 24-hour format to make it easier to identify reports.





Collect Mobile (All Platforms) – Updated Third-party Components Containing Vulnerabilities [d39972]

Updated two third-party components that were reported to have vulnerabilities. These components were updated to their latest versions to mitigate these vulnerabilities.





Geotechnical Collect Report – Added New Parameter and Fields [d37320]

Added a new report parameter and two new fields to the Geotechnical Collect Report which allow the user to define and populate rock specific material name values and the facility depth unit.
  • A new single select report parameter under "JSON_References\Material" titled "Rock Type" that shows all RT_MATERIAL_TYPE.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE values from the selection. 
  • A new field in the JSON_REF worksheet titled "rock_material_name" which pulls the values from AT_MATERIAL.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE that match the code selected in the new Rock Type report parameter.
  • A new field in the FACILITY worksheet titled "Facility_Depth_Unit" which pulls values from DT_FACILITY.DEPTH_UNIT.





Geotechnical Collect Report – Include All Locations in Facility if TASK_CODE Parameter is Empty [d37430]

Leaving the TASK_CODE report property blank will result in all locations associated with a facility being included in the Locations output. If the TASK_CODE report property is populated, only locations associated with the task code(s) will be included.