(407) Proxy Authentication Required

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(407) Proxy Authentication Required

Affected Software/Reports/DLL(s): EQuIS Professional


Affected Software Version: N/A


Symptoms: The following error message may appear when attempting to log into EQuIS Professional.


The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(lAsyncResult


at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(lAsyncResuIt ar)


Cause/Details: The network's proxy server lacks the required credentials for a connection outside of the proxy server. The proxy server could be blocking two-way traffic communication on the appropriate port (e.g., port 1433).




To access the EQuIS database in EQuIS Professional, allow traffic on the required port through the firewall and proxies, such as by the following means:

1.Open the required port within the firewall to all outbound traffic.

2.Open port 1433 only to communications with the database (either based on the DNS name or IP addresses of the database). EarthSoft can provide the IP address range for hosted EQuIS Online databases.


For more information on port and connectivity requirements, consult Hardware and System Requirements.