![]() << Click to Display Table of Contents >> Live Web Response Saving |
If an EQuIS Live agent requests web data (e.g., Adcon, Weather Underground, and NOAA NCDC), the web responses that it receives can be saved to files. The files will be added to a zip file when the agent finishes running.
The zip file will be named ‘{0}-V1-{1:yyyy-MM-ddTHHmmss}.zip’, where:
•{0} is the report name.
•V1 is the code version that generated the web response files, and the other files in this zip.
•{1:yyyy-MM-ddTHHmmss} is the date and time that the zip file was created.
The zip file will contain the following files:
•parameters.xml – The report’s parameters, and their values.
•uris.txt – The web request URIs, in the order they were requested.
•1.* – The first web response data file (e.g., 1.json); its URI is on the 1st line in uris.txt.
•n.* – The nth web response data file; its URI is on the nth line in uris.txt.
The web response saving functionality is disabled by default. To enable it, add one or more rows to the ST_CONFIG table, with:
•CONFIG_SECTION = EarthSoft.Live.Reports.*, where * is a class name from the table below
(e.g., EarthSoft.Live.Reports.UsgsWaterServicesDailyValuesAgent).
•CONFIG_KEY = webResponseSaving
The zip file will be saved to the EQuIS logs folder (defined in log4net.config) by default, but a different folder can be specified by adding a row to the ST_CONFIG table, with:
•CONFIG_SECTION = EarthSoft.Live.Reports.*, where * is a class name from the table below.
•CONFIG_KEY = webResponseSaving
•OBJECT_VALUE = folder
•STRING_VALUE = the folder in which to save the zip file (e.g., C:\EarthSoft\Live\Reports).
Agent |
Report Name |
Class Name |
EQuIS Live: Adcon Data Collection Agent EQuIS Live: Adcon Historical Data Loader |
AdconAgent AdconHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: Air Monitors Agent EQuIS Live: Air Monitors Historical Data Loader |
AirMonitorsAgent AirMonitorsHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: Air Ontario Agent EQuIS Live: Air Ontario Historical Data Loader |
AirOntarioAgent AirOntarioHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: DWD CDC Agent EQuIS Live: DWD CDC Historical Data Loader |
DwdCdcAgent DwdCdcHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: Eleven-X Agent EQuIS Live: Eleven-X Historical Data Loader |
ElevenXAgent ElevenXHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: EPA AirNow Agent EQuIS Live: EPA AirNow Historical Data Loader |
EpaAirNowAgent EpaAirNowHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: InSitu Data Collection Agent |
InSituAgent |
EQuIS Live: In-Situ HydroVu Agent EQuIS Live: In-Situ HydroVu Historical Data Loader |
InSituHydroVuAgent InSituHydroVuHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: NOAA NCDC Agent EQuIS Live: NOAA NCDC Historical Data Loader |
NoaaNcdcAgent NoaaNcdcHistoricalDataLoader |
NoaaNwsMetarAgent |
EQuIS Live: Open Data Location Scout |
OpenDataLocationScout |
EQuIS Live: Outpost Central Agent EQuIS Live: Outpost Central Historical Data Loader |
OutpostCentralAgent OutpostCentralHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: UK Government Flood Monitoring Agent EQuIS Live: UK Government Flood Monitoring Historical Data Loader |
UkGovFloodMonitoringAgent UkGovFloodMonitoringHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: USGS EDDN Agent EQuIS Live: USGS EDDN Historical Data Loader |
UsgsEddnAgent UsgsEddnHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Current Values Agent EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Daily Values Agent EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Historical Data Loader |
UsgsWaterQualityCurrentValuesAgent UsgsWaterQualityDailyValuesAgent UsgsWaterQualityHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Instantaneous Values Agent EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Daily Values Agent EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Groundwater Levels Agent EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Historical Data Loader |
UsgsWaterServicesInstantaneousValuesAgent UsgsWaterServicesDailyValuesAgent UsgsWaterServicesGroundwaterLevels UsgsWaterServicesHistoricalDataLoader |
EQuIS Live: Weather Canada Agent |
WeatherCanadaAgent |
EQuIS Live: Weather Underground Agent |
WeatherUAgent |
Other? |
If there is another EQuIS Live agent that requests web data and is not listed here, please let us know. |
Note: The CONFIG_SECTION is the namespace and CLASS name, not the REPORT name, to be consistent with other rows in the ST_CONFIG table (e.g., EarthSoft.Common.Utilities.File) and Performance Tracking. |
Example: The following SQL enables web response saving for the USGS Water Services Daily Values Agent.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#set_st_config') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE #set_st_config GO
CREATE PROCEDURE #set_st_config(@config_key VARCHAR(128), @config_section VARCHAR(128), @object_value VARCHAR(128), @string_value VARCHAR(2048)) AS BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM st_config WHERE config_section = @config_section AND config_key = @config_key AND object_value = @object_value) BEGIN INSERT INTO st_config (config_section, config_key, object_value, string_value) VALUES (@config_section, @config_key, @object_value, @string_value) END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE st_config SET string_value = @string_value WHERE config_section = @config_section AND config_key = @config_key AND object_value = @object_value END
EXEC #set_st_config 'webResponseSaving', 'EarthSoft.Live.Reports.UsgsWaterServicesDailyValuesAgent', 'save', 'true' --EXEC #set_st_config 'webResponseSaving', 'EarthSoft.Live.Reports.UsgsWaterServicesDailyValuesAgent', 'folder', 'C:\EarthSoft\temp'
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 26 Apr 2022